Monday, February 20, 2006

Formation of the IBM;)

Well one would be wondering where IBM came from in my first year of college days..!!well this is not the S/W company that all of you know..but this is Ist Boycotted Mallus, Kerala. This was formed as a result of merciless ragging by our mallu seniors on the guys who had come thru the Kerala quota and later on the NRI mallus also joined the group. An account of the events leading to the formation of this group is.. given below. Since I myself did not have a first hand experience here, i had asked Kuttan (sankar) to write this chapter for me. And i have added on in the end describing what was happening simultaneously at the NRI mallu front.
KutTy's account starts here:
read vin's blog abt his 1st day of ragging n' wuz reminded of my time. well.. there were innumberable incidents, n' i rem. all of 'em vividly, but the one that stands out the most is the session by the FUMS. before i go into it, there are a few basic things abt RECT that readers shud be aware of.. tho' those very readers are all RECTians themselves n' need no explanation. anyway, here goes:
one's family is constituted of by people who occupied his/her seat in subsequent n' previous years. we have baap [known as 'technical father' in REC bhopal, as my friend sunil told me later], dada n' pardada. slapping is the way ragging happens at RECT, of course accompanied by other things that appear as humorous to seniors. at least to mallus, they don't do indecent things. kandus have to do grosser things like **** on a pole at a junction. UPs probly strip their juniors to satisfy their innermost desires. odiyas only slap, but they do enuf to compensate for all other forms of ragging.. an average odiya score is around the figure of 300. score is the no. of slaps you received n' is a figure that lives in ur brain as long as ur degree does on ur CV ;)
one day i'm reclinin in ravi's room.. when sandeep n' darsan walk in at noon.. sandeep has red marks on his cheeks- darsan is unscathed. i ask 'em what happened n' they say they'd been to the bank, where they met 'basheer'. he'd taken sandeep to a toilet near the bank [which i never knew existed!] n' banged him a few times n' sent him off with darsan to get me. well.. shiver me timbers! i didn't have a choice but to obey the wishes from above n' accompany darsan outside. we were picked up by deepu [yeah dwipin, that bastard who's made it to my list of top ten best friends] n' a guy who introduced himself as manu narayan. but i knew from my sis [who incidentally, had graduated from RECT a year earlier] that this 'manu' wuz 1 yr her junior. i guessed it wuz karthik, my dada. well they took us to BHEL [a nearby township], where we took on the role of pack-asses to carry their laundry; another common phenomenon during ragging. they treated us well for pack-asses tho', feeding us supper at abt 7 at 'bhuvaneshwar', an open-air eat-out at BHEL. we returned to college later.. n' continued beyond agate [that safe haven- the 1st yr hostel] to the dark n' dreary regions of the senior hostels.. we passed diamond on the way, the 2nd yr hostel that hid untold pain n' suffering. we'd never been there as our 2nd yrs found it fit to take us to BHEL for their exclusive pleasure in our ragging experience.
soon lapis loomed into sight.. n' we crossed it n' exited via the rear gate as we were sapphire-bound - when suddenly, into the night, erupted the wild yell of 'POOOYEEE!!!'. all four of us glanced up n' to see a row of dark faces at the top floor beckoning wildly.. and we knew that moment that we were done for. prayers flew up to the heavens from darsan's n' my throat like disturbed pigeons fluttering from a treetop.. but we cudn't evade the prospect of havin to climb up those stairs which got over all too fast for our liking.. as we walked down the corridor towards the wing-end.. wild screams n' laughter greeted us.. i don't exactly rem. what transpired afterward except that a pugilist complete with red gloves appeared from nowhere n' dealt out a series of swift punches to the region of darsan's tummy. he then turned onto me to playfully dab my nose. it wuz getting quite dark, when the play wuz abruptly cut short by someone pushing us unceremoniously into a room.
they closed the door n' asked us to latch it from inside. the door had a barred window which could be swung open. they asked us to switch the lights off n' await our destiny while they went out for dinner. the last person to leave changed his mind n' came back, to inquire of me.. 'kutty, ninakku ente adi kondattundo da?"(kutty, have you got slaps from me ?). i squinted out into the night n' realised that it wuz none other than the famed 'basheer'.. well, i replied truthfully in the negative, wishing i wuz fortunate to have done otherwise. basheer's slap wuz a legend which i was about to witness firsthand... 'engottu vaada'(come here), i heard n' complied. he slid his right hand thru the bars n' dealt me... ONE SWIFT BLOW. the force of the slap flung me backward, n' i landed on the bed at the other end of the small single room. basheer left, darsan switched off the light n' bolted the window n' came n' lay down beside me. i wuz still shocked with that slap. we consoled each other..
the wait that ensued wuz among the most fearsome periods of darsan's n' my lives.. we waited for what seemed to be just minutes, but really wuz closer to an hour, before the knocking on the door began. 'THORAKKADA'(Open the door) they yelled, as we fumbled with the latch n' finally threw it open. they burst into the room one by one.. n' arranged themselves around us.. basheer pushed me to the ground n' somebody took the sole comfort that wuz darsan, away from me.. outside the room. then began the legendary session of ragging which wuz to be related again n' again to an awestruck audience.. no less than twenty exclusively-basheer stunners landed on my poor cheeks.. soon the slaps stopped hurting n' all i felt wuz the dull pain in my head n' the jerks which came as each new blow wuz dealt. at the end of it, both sides of my face were bleeding. the surprise on their faces was evident but they grinned outwardly n' brought basheer a small vial of dettol.. he applied it on my cheeks n' they smarted like mad. i hid all emotion n' after ten mins of respite, he resumed to relentlessly take my score ahead another twenty n' then ceased..
darsan wuz brought into the room n' taking my sorry state into cognizance, he saddened.. they sat him down next n' mr. basheer meted out twenty of 'em unabated.. after which they released us. we went back to agate the next day n' our friends paled at the sight of us.. that day, we decided to boycott further ragging n' under the able n' hidden-for-long leadership of giridhar, forged IBMK.. Ist Boycotted Mallus, Kerala..
The next few months saw us released from the torture of ragging.. we enjoyed while the others suffered. a coupla seniors called us for a peaceful meeting, where we refused to return.. another meeting with the final years occurred where we stubbornly held onto our resolve.. but the walls fell apart one day, when i wuz home for the weekend n' darsan, jithu n' sandeep relented to attend non-physical ragging, the biggest mistake. giri, anil n' sumesh held back, n' escaped from physical fitness sessions consisting of push ups, etc.. which gave in to slaps again.. i had to give in too.. n' had a lone session with basheer where i confirmed that his slaps had lost the splendor of lore.. probly after peer-counsel. it all ended well.. with us getting our freshie- the only drawback being that giri, anil n' sumesh missed it.
basheer.. wuz an alias.. his real name being premlal p. k.. yeah, the same guy who accompanies dwipin on my list of top ten best friends ever.. surprising, isn't it? ;)
Well this is what exactly happened on the mallu front...well till then..rather till before the formation of IBM, the NRI mallus had a choice of going for mallu ragging...!!As in only if they wanted to be close to their mallu seniors and wanted to attend the mallu freshie they had to atten!! but with the mallu first years all boycotting the ragging completely, the seniors were all frust. This was considered to be a humilation for any seniors to not have their juniors come for ragging and that too the main reason being excessive ragging!! So then what else..but rope in the NRI mallus and after a long tug of war we finally acceded to attend mallu ragging...!!!We were promised by the mallu third yrs and final yrs that we would not be ripped apart like how our mallu quota counterparts had faced (pun intended here:-))But intially we were not convinced coz during the begining of ragging, Ashwin had his ears slammed out by none other than Johnnie George in the train compartment's toilet. The slaps intended for face ended up on Ashwin's ears due to lack of space and this had become a major issue which is why we were given a choice to go for mallu ragging by our seniors....however this sudden twist of fate forced us to go for mallu save the pride of the mallu seniors..!!so we became the bakraas and every day we had some ragging session euther by the NRI's or by the Mallus' and if we skipped one to attend the other...the next day all hell was loose!! Many of the guys even thought of runnin away from college due the excessive amount of slaps we were facing every other day...!!The mallu seniors used to rag us severely for the formation of IBM and for those guys not comin for ragging..!!The situation was getting pathetic.
We as NRI's at times slowly develpoed an aversion too for the mallus since it was their boycott due to which we were suffering...anyway this went on for the first semester and second semester on one fine day when i was returnin from kerala...lo!!behold...all the NRI/mallu final yrs were on the train and i had a small session of ragging there.!!Thats when i met the likes of Sajan Abraham, Sonu Sam varghese, Chandy, Pavil Jose (my par-dada) - these were the terror final yrs and i got ragged by them in the train on my return journey. One humorous incident that had happened, i shall narrate now..!!!

well in one of the previous raggin sessions one of my batchmates(mallu - dont remember who exactly) was ragged by Johnnie george!! Johnnie asked him the ? "which state do i belong to?" when the junior answered him "Kerala" , he got whacked beyond belief coz the expected answer was "Solid state" (with reference to chemistry "states"). And telling each other's ragging experiences was a commoner in first yr hostel and this was there in my mind when Sajan asked me to guess his state. Prompt came the asnwer "SOLID"!! The expressions on all these final years face i remember to this date. If i had had a camera then and had the balls..i would have taken a snap of al lthose 4 wonder strucken face as if they were struck by lightning !!! They didnt get the flow of what i was saying..and suddenly it dawned on them what i was referring to and they thought i was trying to get cheeky with them...!!sheesh poor me:-(;-)) and the rest what happened to me...its better untold...i am leaving it to your imagination!!!!
After reachin trichy i was asked to come for raggin that evenin by these seniors for my cheekiness..and i meekly agreed (as if i had a choice)...and along with me came sankar and sandeep...their first return session after boycotting!!man..the whole day..atleast half of the day..i saw them gettin physical fitness ragging...everythin except slaps...pushups...and what not...!!!This was done to so much extent that finally both these guys agreed to getting slapped than going thru this painful physical torture..!!and voila..i could just hear then what was happenin...just could not keep my eyes open seeing them get thulped...!!Sandeep almost as on the verge of tears !!!and then it was done..they were back and in for the ragging...!!and then they were left free..!!
Suddenly the seniors realise that i was just a spectator for the whole session today and their poor minds thought that i was feeling bad for being ignored and they called me...and i had a lone ragging session courtesy all of them just conc on me while kuts n sandy watched on..!!perfect reversal of roles...!!!anyway the dreaded day came to an end...!! We were then taken to Celestine Michael's room (Ghatti Mallu) where half of the guys were drunk and remaning were doped...!!and there me,kuts and sandy were forced to drink liquor for the first time - RUM to be precise..!!3 of us didnt feel anything...we resisted intially but then the seniors forced us to...Asif being the one who forced it down my throat...!!!This was just the beginning of the drinking days for all of us..!!hmmmm....and with this day also meant another of now atleast the NRI's were also automatically included in the mallu ragging (NRI mallus) and henceforth one commmon freshie for mallus and NRI mallus and no distinction between the two!!!
the only good part of the whole thing for me personally was that it just brought me closer to all the mallus - kuts, sandy, Darsan, Anil, Jithu and to some extent to giri, sumesh and anil!!


Neo said...


u forgot to mention why we were forced to drink the rum. readers, it wuz to alleviate the pain caused by the slaps.. n if we didn't drink, more slaps! well, i wuz the last to drink n i polished off the rem contents of the bottle in one swig- there wuz more than one peg. n' vinu, it wuz also the only time any1 got slapped by feroze ali manicphan! u! any1 else wud've died on the spot, but u bore it.. :o also, i didn't come w sandy. i walked alone.. sandy wuz brought in later [in shorts] frm the hockey field where he wuz practising!!

Aashish Ramdas said...

Explains a lot of things :). Things have changed now - a lot more boycotts. In retrospect, that time was a lot of fun...

Btw.. I didn't get a chance before, but congratulations!

Cheers, and keep blogging..