Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Chick - Scene??

Well...Came to Edinburgh in high hopes of seeing gorgeous looking babes with amazing figures n even better looking legs n what not...was under the impression that all babes (??) here would be in mini / micro-minis and anything shorter than that, if it existed...!!
But what a surprise to see that 90% of the females here wear pants n formal suitings..and the only ones that are commonly seen in such skimpy dresses (in the pubs mainly) are the English-desis (Indian / Pak babes who have been born n brought up here) and most of them would have this air about them that you would not even feel like giving them a second glance...!!And the babes here are all the sweet kinds and so far i have seen - very few with s*xy figures. And this minority group of "babes" can not be approached..not when they have some 6' guarding them, supposedly their boyfriend rather than her body guard...ahhhhh...Dont stand a chance man in this place. Back in college, used to have this feeling that "patafying" a foreigner is child's play...well...it may be easy ..dont know..but then therez always a chance of a broken nose!! And why risk such things when you know you can sit back and enjoy life just by looking at them...sorry..let me rephrase...glancing at them..!!
Here if you stare at a girl..for all you know, the next moment you would be hearing abuses swung at you from all directions..not by anyone else but by the same girl and her friends...damn!!!
I have got fed up of staring at girls (ogling is a better term i guess)...have lost the enthu after leaving college!!I guess i can safely say i have settled down finally..
Maybe all this has to do with maturity or something of the sorts...or maybe its coz when u have had plenty n plenty of a particular dish, you tend to get fed up of it...
I think in my case it is the latter scenario combined a bit with the former one..You cannot deny the fact that all of us are maturing and all the eve-teasing and whatever used to be done in college/ school..would look really uncouth now..!!We have grown old??? Things have started taking a different perspective...As the age factor creeps in, all of us ( i guess..atleast most)stop looking at girls as mere objects of pleasure :P..the female community starts getting more respect from us..
Think of it...How many of us would actually tease / abuse a girl whom we used to abuse/ tease in college? worse comes to worst we would ignore her right??
Shit man! i am stopping this blog right now...
Vithal dude, sorry i diverged from what you asked me;-) The excitement has died down...I aint any more what I was;-)he hee....


Anonymous said...

Vithal asked for the chick scene.. not your philosophy of life man! Fed up it seems. I've already heard that 4-5 times now from you. Every time we drop by in banglore you say the same thing! "I'm done with bird watching!" And then after that again you ll go for it! @%@$@#$... who are you trying to fool/please whatever dude!

Your loving junior!

Am I repeat a dog's tail can never ever be straightened!

Aslan said...

dude, get fed up of eyeing gals urself.. but spare us the philo.. puh-lease!!! as ur loving ju sez, these are sporadic periods again (vithal, what say?!)..

i said the same after i got stoned after that night, but a mere coupla dayz later, i'm raring to go again!! i mean, practise ornithology again.. please, please don't confuse it with maturity for chrissakes!!!

gal community gets more respect from us?! PAH! i'll die the day i think women are anywhere equal to men.. i've never eve-teased till date.. n' never made a gal feel bad- all the looks-appreciating i've done wuz conducted in a diplomatic manner, which pleased the gal. believe me, the last time i passed a comment on a gal, she actually smiled!! thats bangalore for ya! as a wise scholar once said, "GIRLS ARE TO BE SEEN, AND NOT HEARD!" i'd like to make a disclaimer here n' state that there of course are exceptions to every rule!! (read- some gals shudn't be seen even.. n' there are a few who deserve to be heard out too!!)

dude, if gals don't peacefully let ya ogle at 'em in scotland, stay off it- for ur health's (n' nose's) sake, but if u think we in india (/US- vithal takes responsibility) shud follow suit, think again!!

sour grapes.. sour grapes.. sour grapes.. ;)

Vithal said...

da kutty do u actually believe has given up ornithology? if he has done it then i am micky mouse! i'd bet my right hand on that.

lasti talked to him he said he has turned over a new leaf! but like what i said to him..we dont know is how many leaves he has turned after that!!

Anonymous said...

dude birds dont go out wearing pants it is called trouser and do have a look in the mirror yourself and be grate full you are still allowed in edinburh and they have not kicked you out yet