The way you think about money will determine how much of it you accumulate more than any other factor. Your attitude toward money affects your emotions and your motivations.
In psychology, money is what is called a “deficiency need.” This means that it only motivates you when you feel deficient in it, when you don’t feel that you have enough. Above a certain level, when you feel that you have enough, it is no longer a motivator. Put another way, when you have enough money, you don’t think about it very much. But when you have too little, you think about it all the time.The effect money has on your emotional life depends on your attitude toward it. If you feel that you have too little, money can become an obsession for you. It can dominate your thinking, feelings and actions. Arguments over money are a major reason for marital breakdown. Problems with money are the primary reason for business collapse, the ruination of friendships and psychosomatic illnesses of all kinds. Its not uncommon for people to even kill themselves over money problems.
The Reality Principle applies especially to matters of money. This principle states that, “You must deal with life as it is, not as you wish it were, or could be.Most people live in a world of partial self-delusion, or even fantasy, with regard to money. They wish, hope, and pray about their financial futures while at the same time, deep in their hearts, they know their dreams will never materialize.In Lewis Carroll’s book, Alice in Wonderland, one of the characters says quite happily that he is quite capable of believing several impossible things before breakfast each day. In the same way, many people believe quite impossible things about money and then they wonder why they are having so many financial problems.
One of the most common obstacles to achieving financial independence is a deep-seated belief that somehow money is wrong and that people who have a lot of it are inherently evil. This belief is not based on any factual foundation. It goes back to early childhood conditioning when the growing child is often told this because of other people’s desire to rationalize away their own financial failures.
The fact is that money is good. It takes money to buy homes, cars, clothes, toys, food and most of the good things in life. Money has an energy of its own and it is largely attracted to people who treat it well. Money tends to flow toward those people who can use it in the most productive ways to produce valuable goods and services, and who can invest it to create employment and opportunities that benefit others. At the same time, money flows away from those who use it poorly, or who spend it in non-productive ways.
Here are two things you can do immediately to improve your attitude toward money:
First, be perfectly honest to yourself with regard to money and to the amount you want to acquire in life. Pretending that you don’t care about money when you really do will only make you unhappy.
Second, begin today to think about all the wonderful things that you could have in your life if you had more money. Then, begin to think of all the things that you could do to increase the amount you earn and the amount you keep.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Chick - Scene??
Well...Came to Edinburgh in high hopes of seeing gorgeous looking babes with amazing figures n even better looking legs n what not...was under the impression that all babes (??) here would be in mini / micro-minis and anything shorter than that, if it existed...!!
But what a surprise to see that 90% of the females here wear pants n formal suitings..and the only ones that are commonly seen in such skimpy dresses (in the pubs mainly) are the English-desis (Indian / Pak babes who have been born n brought up here) and most of them would have this air about them that you would not even feel like giving them a second glance...!!And the babes here are all the sweet kinds and so far i have seen - very few with s*xy figures. And this minority group of "babes" can not be approached..not when they have some 6' guarding them, supposedly their boyfriend rather than her body guard...ahhhhh...Dont stand a chance man in this place. Back in college, used to have this feeling that "patafying" a foreigner is child's may be easy ..dont know..but then therez always a chance of a broken nose!! And why risk such things when you know you can sit back and enjoy life just by looking at them...sorry..let me rephrase...glancing at them..!!
Here if you stare at a girl..for all you know, the next moment you would be hearing abuses swung at you from all directions..not by anyone else but by the same girl and her friends...damn!!!
I have got fed up of staring at girls (ogling is a better term i guess)...have lost the enthu after leaving college!!I guess i can safely say i have settled down finally..
Maybe all this has to do with maturity or something of the sorts...or maybe its coz when u have had plenty n plenty of a particular dish, you tend to get fed up of it...
I think in my case it is the latter scenario combined a bit with the former one..You cannot deny the fact that all of us are maturing and all the eve-teasing and whatever used to be done in college/ school..would look really uncouth now..!!We have grown old??? Things have started taking a different perspective...As the age factor creeps in, all of us ( i guess..atleast most)stop looking at girls as mere objects of pleasure :P..the female community starts getting more respect from us..
Think of it...How many of us would actually tease / abuse a girl whom we used to abuse/ tease in college? worse comes to worst we would ignore her right??
Shit man! i am stopping this blog right now...
Vithal dude, sorry i diverged from what you asked me;-) The excitement has died down...I aint any more what I was;-)he hee....
But what a surprise to see that 90% of the females here wear pants n formal suitings..and the only ones that are commonly seen in such skimpy dresses (in the pubs mainly) are the English-desis (Indian / Pak babes who have been born n brought up here) and most of them would have this air about them that you would not even feel like giving them a second glance...!!And the babes here are all the sweet kinds and so far i have seen - very few with s*xy figures. And this minority group of "babes" can not be approached..not when they have some 6' guarding them, supposedly their boyfriend rather than her body guard...ahhhhh...Dont stand a chance man in this place. Back in college, used to have this feeling that "patafying" a foreigner is child's may be easy ..dont know..but then therez always a chance of a broken nose!! And why risk such things when you know you can sit back and enjoy life just by looking at them...sorry..let me rephrase...glancing at them..!!
Here if you stare at a girl..for all you know, the next moment you would be hearing abuses swung at you from all directions..not by anyone else but by the same girl and her friends...damn!!!
I have got fed up of staring at girls (ogling is a better term i guess)...have lost the enthu after leaving college!!I guess i can safely say i have settled down finally..
Maybe all this has to do with maturity or something of the sorts...or maybe its coz when u have had plenty n plenty of a particular dish, you tend to get fed up of it...
I think in my case it is the latter scenario combined a bit with the former one..You cannot deny the fact that all of us are maturing and all the eve-teasing and whatever used to be done in college/ school..would look really uncouth now..!!We have grown old??? Things have started taking a different perspective...As the age factor creeps in, all of us ( i guess..atleast most)stop looking at girls as mere objects of pleasure :P..the female community starts getting more respect from us..
Think of it...How many of us would actually tease / abuse a girl whom we used to abuse/ tease in college? worse comes to worst we would ignore her right??
Shit man! i am stopping this blog right now...
Vithal dude, sorry i diverged from what you asked me;-) The excitement has died down...I aint any more what I was;-)he hee....
a passing thought.........................................
"Love is an irresistable desire to be desired irresistably"
Monday, October 04, 2004
My Astrological readings
he he...check the following out. In college, one of those days when i was absolutely jobless, i subscribed to this astrology site of indiatimes - free sampling for 1 week or something of the sorts and i used to get daily mails regarding how my day was supposed to be like ...?????
And once the free time was over, i stopped checking it. Just couple of days back, was cleaning up my inbox and saw the following in the junk mails section. Found it pretty interesting so much so that i almost subscribed to the astrologer..but then decided i would not...was not sure of the authenticity of the same...though many of the things said about me in the following is quite true;-):-)))
I have come to realize that you do not use the incredible potential which you have inside of you to the fullest and certain of your considerable capacities are completely unused. This is a real shame as I now know that you are someone very
different and that you have immense qualities ! wh! ich are simply not exploited. Your potential is stifled and has been for quite some time now and I think that this is a real waste. In the rest of this letter I am going to give you a precise
example to show you in which situation you are at the moment.
I fully understand how you feel at this time, I know who you are, what you are feeling and how you are living. As way of proof, here are certain aspects of your personality which you are no doubt already aware of but which I wish to you to demonstrate to you just how well I know you: This is what I can sense about you Vineesh. The first point is that, and this is why it will be difficult to convince you about all of this, you are a person with fresh an innovative ideas and are not willing to settle for what others tell you. You have to see things for yourself and if you d! on! 't like what you see or what you hear you will change it. As a matter of fact recently you have been energized by thoughts of exciting changes but have not acted due to fear. You are terrified of failing and making the wrong choice and I think that this stems from the fact that although you don't always consciously admit this but deep down inside you need the respect and admiration of others. I can even say that without a doubt, Vineesh, you are your own strongest critic. You have a tenancy to be too hard on yourself. Your unique perspective in life has been forged from the school of hard knocks,and you know deep down inside that you are better for having gone through what you have endured. I am getting the distinct sense that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than classroom smarts that others may have. I can see that the experiences you had in life have made you a bit more perspective than most . You are wise beyond your years in many ways. This has ! be! en noticed by your family and friends as those who are closest to you say that you are a very fair person and some seek your counsel because of this. Vineesh it's very clear that you are a person of strong moral character and you are trustworthy to a fault. You have actually been in a situation or two because you were perhaps a bit too trusting. I would like to say that I really appreciate your relationship with other people and I have also noticed that you have a certain paradox within you. I will now give you a couple of examples of this paradox. Vineesh, you are an unusually generous person, with the genuine desire to help others, but you also have a bit selfish side. It's this taking care of yourself that allows you to better take care of others. I can also perceive another paradox Vineesh. You believe that telling a little white lie can sometimes be necessary and you don't always tell the truth, mostly because you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings. but at t! he! same time, you have very strong values and definite sense of right and wrong. In this day of questionable characters, you feel grounded by your strong values. I could speak about you for hours Vineesh but what you must retain from all of this is that you have an enormous amount of latent potential which you sometimes come close to realizing as you are often frustrated with the fact that others don't always recognize this or appreciate what you could offer. I can tell you that there is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients. Your intuition and your power may be one reason why you are drawn to astrology readings and psychic experiences. Finally I would like to conclude with another point. You know what you have inside of you and you have known for some time now that you have been given certain talents.... very special talents unique only to you. and while ! yo! u have known of these abilities , you haven't fully acted on them now, have you ? I hope that these few lines have convinced you Vineesh that I strongly perceive who you are and what you are feeling. You already know most of what I have written about however you may not realize to what extent the potential within you is really powerful and here is an example which could help to illustrate what I am trying to tell you. Imagine a person who has never known any modern technology (for example someone living in the heart of a dense jungle). One day this person is given a radio tuned in to a very precise radio station and he finds it suddenly extraordinary to be able to listen to music through what is essentially a small box. He is told that to listen to this music he need only press the 'on' button without having to do anything else to listen to this music. This person thinks this radio is a wonderful invention and then spends a number of years listening to this radio and to the ! sa! me program as the radio stays on the same station all of the time. And then one day someone else comes along and shows him that there are a multitude of other stations and frequencies to listen to with many other programs that can be as interesting as the first.... You are in the position of this person Vineesh and your potential can be compared to this radio. Your potential is not yet fully exploited and you are not yet aware of certain of your hidden talents. I find myself in the place of the person who's duty is to show you exactly how you can tune in to these new frequencies. This is a metaphorical example but it demonstrates clearly the situation in which you find yourself at this time. Considering the important information which I have discovered about you Vineesh, I know that it is possible to help you through this key moment in your life and I also know that this change can be considered as a rebirth of sorts as you are not really who you thought you were - you are in fact much much more than this and you need to want to make this change happen with all of your heart and soul.
And once the free time was over, i stopped checking it. Just couple of days back, was cleaning up my inbox and saw the following in the junk mails section. Found it pretty interesting so much so that i almost subscribed to the astrologer..but then decided i would not...was not sure of the authenticity of the same...though many of the things said about me in the following is quite true;-):-)))
I have come to realize that you do not use the incredible potential which you have inside of you to the fullest and certain of your considerable capacities are completely unused. This is a real shame as I now know that you are someone very
different and that you have immense qualities ! wh! ich are simply not exploited. Your potential is stifled and has been for quite some time now and I think that this is a real waste. In the rest of this letter I am going to give you a precise
example to show you in which situation you are at the moment.
I fully understand how you feel at this time, I know who you are, what you are feeling and how you are living. As way of proof, here are certain aspects of your personality which you are no doubt already aware of but which I wish to you to demonstrate to you just how well I know you: This is what I can sense about you Vineesh. The first point is that, and this is why it will be difficult to convince you about all of this, you are a person with fresh an innovative ideas and are not willing to settle for what others tell you. You have to see things for yourself and if you d! on! 't like what you see or what you hear you will change it. As a matter of fact recently you have been energized by thoughts of exciting changes but have not acted due to fear. You are terrified of failing and making the wrong choice and I think that this stems from the fact that although you don't always consciously admit this but deep down inside you need the respect and admiration of others. I can even say that without a doubt, Vineesh, you are your own strongest critic. You have a tenancy to be too hard on yourself. Your unique perspective in life has been forged from the school of hard knocks,and you know deep down inside that you are better for having gone through what you have endured. I am getting the distinct sense that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than classroom smarts that others may have. I can see that the experiences you had in life have made you a bit more perspective than most . You are wise beyond your years in many ways. This has ! be! en noticed by your family and friends as those who are closest to you say that you are a very fair person and some seek your counsel because of this. Vineesh it's very clear that you are a person of strong moral character and you are trustworthy to a fault. You have actually been in a situation or two because you were perhaps a bit too trusting. I would like to say that I really appreciate your relationship with other people and I have also noticed that you have a certain paradox within you. I will now give you a couple of examples of this paradox. Vineesh, you are an unusually generous person, with the genuine desire to help others, but you also have a bit selfish side. It's this taking care of yourself that allows you to better take care of others. I can also perceive another paradox Vineesh. You believe that telling a little white lie can sometimes be necessary and you don't always tell the truth, mostly because you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings. but at t! he! same time, you have very strong values and definite sense of right and wrong. In this day of questionable characters, you feel grounded by your strong values. I could speak about you for hours Vineesh but what you must retain from all of this is that you have an enormous amount of latent potential which you sometimes come close to realizing as you are often frustrated with the fact that others don't always recognize this or appreciate what you could offer. I can tell you that there is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients. Your intuition and your power may be one reason why you are drawn to astrology readings and psychic experiences. Finally I would like to conclude with another point. You know what you have inside of you and you have known for some time now that you have been given certain talents.... very special talents unique only to you. and while ! yo! u have known of these abilities , you haven't fully acted on them now, have you ? I hope that these few lines have convinced you Vineesh that I strongly perceive who you are and what you are feeling. You already know most of what I have written about however you may not realize to what extent the potential within you is really powerful and here is an example which could help to illustrate what I am trying to tell you. Imagine a person who has never known any modern technology (for example someone living in the heart of a dense jungle). One day this person is given a radio tuned in to a very precise radio station and he finds it suddenly extraordinary to be able to listen to music through what is essentially a small box. He is told that to listen to this music he need only press the 'on' button without having to do anything else to listen to this music. This person thinks this radio is a wonderful invention and then spends a number of years listening to this radio and to the ! sa! me program as the radio stays on the same station all of the time. And then one day someone else comes along and shows him that there are a multitude of other stations and frequencies to listen to with many other programs that can be as interesting as the first.... You are in the position of this person Vineesh and your potential can be compared to this radio. Your potential is not yet fully exploited and you are not yet aware of certain of your hidden talents. I find myself in the place of the person who's duty is to show you exactly how you can tune in to these new frequencies. This is a metaphorical example but it demonstrates clearly the situation in which you find yourself at this time. Considering the important information which I have discovered about you Vineesh, I know that it is possible to help you through this key moment in your life and I also know that this change can be considered as a rebirth of sorts as you are not really who you thought you were - you are in fact much much more than this and you need to want to make this change happen with all of your heart and soul.
If's n But's...continued
From the responses i got for the last post, all seem to be saying the same thing to me...Dont give out the whole of your heart to one person alone...
A junior of mine (Kicha) commented to me..sayin...Life is like a Stock Market..!!You invest high in just one, the risk of loosing it is extremely high, but then the returns/ gains are also high...So one should believe in diversification and invest in more than one and play the game of life according to ur market value..!!
Amazing right? All of a sudden the "bears n bulls" of stock market started makin sense to me. I guess it is the same, when you try relating things to your life, they start making more of sense.........
Well ...dont know if taking a couple of swigs of beer/ 7. something shots of tequila will help...coz the possiblity of thinking more on the same lines and going deeper into the prob is higher after getting drunk, i guess. After drinking, the whole world shrinks and you feel lots of things running inside your brain..and then a lot of issues which would never have made sense start getting clear in your head..and thus u tend to think more...and come out with more creative n better ideas after getting drunk...and one thing i dont want to think of in such a situation is about LIFE!!No way am i going into a rewind mode and then PLAY everything all over again in my mind...aint crazy..!!so tequila aint the solution...
that brings me to ask the question...are all of us happy at any point in our life...why is it that humans (atleast the few i know inclusive of me) are never happy with what they have? When you finish your 12th grade, everyone wants to get into an IIT / REC (NIT) and that is the biggest tension..!!And once you are thru into the reputed institutions...the tensions just is never at have the cycle tests (whoever derived this name, should be given an award...the tests just keep cycling n coming back over n over never seem to get rid of it..ever..till u pass out) and then the sem exams..and what not...once into the final yr..everyone wants a does not matter what u did 4 yrs in your college...ultimately you just need a god damn job...and what all lies does one fabricate for the same...!!and there are a few ppl who are trained to teach others to lie/ talk effectively/ look smart n ultimately get thru the iview as well - CIC reps..i was a part of this team as well..(no offence to any CIC rep here..:-))and once you get a job...the World is yours..atleast for the next couple of weeks...
and then you done with college and you step into the corporate world...and shit!! you realise you are in hell!!what seemed so cool n stylish n amazing on the projector screen of your college abt the life in each software campus ..all bollocks..absolute crap..!!the only thing thats true in all these presentations is the infrastructure and nothing else...All dreams of being the one of the cool dudes in your cool company..shattered...your bubble burst, you look think of job switches...higher studies..(CAT/ GMAT/ GRE etc), onsite opportunities...and what not...!!Some are successful...while others stay on cribbing every other day about their colleagues, PM's, the company, the corporate system, the project he is involved in and what not!!!!!!!!
Then slowly the marriage comes up...Some are lucky to get the bride of their dreams..while few remaining others just nod to their dad n mom saying "Yes, i agree" over a cup of tea n pastries in their to-be-in-law's house...once this phase is over...then there are tensions of wife / stayin together/ wife working/ children / their future....and what not..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Few others have the responsiblity of getting their sisters (elder / youger) married off into a good family...and God forbid..anything screws up there...then you are the one to be blamed..after all, didnt you find the groom...weren't you supposed to do the checking on the groom n his family...!?? Is the brother the only one responsible for his sister's marriage...dont the parents/relatives have any responsibility???
When will one have the peace of mind that he is so desparately yearning for? When will he lead life for himself and not for his parents/ siblings / wife / children and whoever else that is there in this list?
When will we - each one of us - ever attain a level of satisfaction...when we can boldly say.."I AM HAPPY...I AM SATISFIED..I NEED NO MORE IN LIFE AND HAPPY WITH WHATEVER I HAVE"..and stick on to this statement for atleast 6 months at a stretch. Myself have made this statement humpty number of times...but then the next moment, prob the next day, i reverse my thoughts and start the crib process.............
I guess...this is a never ending cycle...The grass is greener on the other side ALWAYS...Till the day u will keep seeing greener pastures...and would be wanting to be there than where u are currently...We may not agree when someone says "You are greedy"...but think of it...i feel all of us are...wanting more everyday..!!!!!!!!!!
ps. I need a break...i guess i am thinking too much..!:-)
No offence to anyone in the above article. Just a chain of thoughts:-) Peace!!!!!!!
A junior of mine (Kicha) commented to me..sayin...Life is like a Stock Market..!!You invest high in just one, the risk of loosing it is extremely high, but then the returns/ gains are also high...So one should believe in diversification and invest in more than one and play the game of life according to ur market value..!!
Amazing right? All of a sudden the "bears n bulls" of stock market started makin sense to me. I guess it is the same, when you try relating things to your life, they start making more of sense.........
Well ...dont know if taking a couple of swigs of beer/ 7. something shots of tequila will help...coz the possiblity of thinking more on the same lines and going deeper into the prob is higher after getting drunk, i guess. After drinking, the whole world shrinks and you feel lots of things running inside your brain..and then a lot of issues which would never have made sense start getting clear in your head..and thus u tend to think more...and come out with more creative n better ideas after getting drunk...and one thing i dont want to think of in such a situation is about LIFE!!No way am i going into a rewind mode and then PLAY everything all over again in my mind...aint crazy..!!so tequila aint the solution...
that brings me to ask the question...are all of us happy at any point in our life...why is it that humans (atleast the few i know inclusive of me) are never happy with what they have? When you finish your 12th grade, everyone wants to get into an IIT / REC (NIT) and that is the biggest tension..!!And once you are thru into the reputed institutions...the tensions just is never at have the cycle tests (whoever derived this name, should be given an award...the tests just keep cycling n coming back over n over never seem to get rid of it..ever..till u pass out) and then the sem exams..and what not...once into the final yr..everyone wants a does not matter what u did 4 yrs in your college...ultimately you just need a god damn job...and what all lies does one fabricate for the same...!!and there are a few ppl who are trained to teach others to lie/ talk effectively/ look smart n ultimately get thru the iview as well - CIC reps..i was a part of this team as well..(no offence to any CIC rep here..:-))and once you get a job...the World is yours..atleast for the next couple of weeks...
and then you done with college and you step into the corporate world...and shit!! you realise you are in hell!!what seemed so cool n stylish n amazing on the projector screen of your college abt the life in each software campus ..all bollocks..absolute crap..!!the only thing thats true in all these presentations is the infrastructure and nothing else...All dreams of being the one of the cool dudes in your cool company..shattered...your bubble burst, you look think of job switches...higher studies..(CAT/ GMAT/ GRE etc), onsite opportunities...and what not...!!Some are successful...while others stay on cribbing every other day about their colleagues, PM's, the company, the corporate system, the project he is involved in and what not!!!!!!!!
Then slowly the marriage comes up...Some are lucky to get the bride of their dreams..while few remaining others just nod to their dad n mom saying "Yes, i agree" over a cup of tea n pastries in their to-be-in-law's house...once this phase is over...then there are tensions of wife / stayin together/ wife working/ children / their future....and what not..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Few others have the responsiblity of getting their sisters (elder / youger) married off into a good family...and God forbid..anything screws up there...then you are the one to be blamed..after all, didnt you find the groom...weren't you supposed to do the checking on the groom n his family...!?? Is the brother the only one responsible for his sister's marriage...dont the parents/relatives have any responsibility???
When will one have the peace of mind that he is so desparately yearning for? When will he lead life for himself and not for his parents/ siblings / wife / children and whoever else that is there in this list?
When will we - each one of us - ever attain a level of satisfaction...when we can boldly say.."I AM HAPPY...I AM SATISFIED..I NEED NO MORE IN LIFE AND HAPPY WITH WHATEVER I HAVE"..and stick on to this statement for atleast 6 months at a stretch. Myself have made this statement humpty number of times...but then the next moment, prob the next day, i reverse my thoughts and start the crib process.............
I guess...this is a never ending cycle...The grass is greener on the other side ALWAYS...Till the day u will keep seeing greener pastures...and would be wanting to be there than where u are currently...We may not agree when someone says "You are greedy"...but think of it...i feel all of us are...wanting more everyday..!!!!!!!!!!
ps. I need a break...i guess i am thinking too much..!:-)
No offence to anyone in the above article. Just a chain of thoughts:-) Peace!!!!!!!
Friday, October 01, 2004
If's n But's
Just thinking of life as such now...things always seem to happen out of the blue. One can never predict whats going to happen the next can be anything varying from slippin on a banana peel n cracking ur bones to being made the prime minister of the biggest/ largest democratic country in the world.
Is there any way of knowing what is going to happen to each one of us in the would be fun to know all such things as to whether u would get admission into an IIM (for all the MBA / CAT aspirants)..whether there is a scope for promotion...(for all who seems to love their jobs)...or as to whether u would be in a totally different field..enjoying your work more than ever before..(for all those never-satisfied-guys like myself??)...
Well there are 2 aspects to this whole ideology of seeing the future...i mean..if i knew that 2 years down the lane, i am in a different company doing a better job / enjoyin my work/ earning more...i would obviously loose my interest in doing my present work...y should u slog ur ass off and do all this when u know tat down the lane u r gonna be in a better position.....right?? the argument seems pretty valid to me.. but then think of it in this way...the future u saw may come true only if you continue to work the way u are working right now..? now this looks more or less like printing on one side of a paper "The statement on the other side is TRUE" and on the other side you print "The statement on the other side is FALSE"...?? cool eh??
I for one firmly believe that my actions of today will speak for me tomorrow...what i do today...will have an impact on my life sometime down the may not be very evident or explicit but then down the lane, you look back at the string of events leading up to the situation, you will realise that it was coz u said a "yes" at some moment (for eg.) that you are in the postion that you are today...and if you had said a "no" to the same situation, for all you know you might not have been in this situation today - be it good or bad...!!
This infact reinstates the theory ..."you are the decider of your own future..of your own fate".......
Life is full of "ifs" n "buts" (mind u single "t" only;-))...and it is the outcome of this "if" loop which decides the output/ this case your life...
hmmm...the chain of thoughts have absolutely no connectivity..and i have wandered away from what i started i guess...but then its fun just putting into words watever goes thru ur mind...let the mind do the talking...dont think twice..who knows..the time i am spending putting these thoughts down may in some way affect my future....(crossed-fingers..hoping its for the good) i continue on my rambling...i am reminded of an eminent personality's words which said something like - Never love your company so much that you feel upset when you are asked to leave , for the company may not be loving u so much....
lets extrapolate this a bit further ...Should we love one person so much so that his/ her loss can affect us real bad?? Loss can be a physical distance...or the person being dead or anything for that matter...does one person alone deserve all the love that you have in ur heart...Should a husband love his wife so much so that a day without her and he would go insane...n vice versa??? should a kid love his mother so much (rare possibility) or should a mother love her kid so much so that a day without her kid n she feels completely incomplete ( that an oxymoron now "completely incomplete"?)
How does one know that the person whom he/she loves loves him/ her back as much...
taking my own case...i would be broken if i came to know that any person whom i respected/ loved a lot does not love/ respect me so much..!!i may look like i am imposing myself onto aint necessary tat everyone be the same as you are...(if that was the case..then the world would have been such a peaceful place to live in)..but is it expecting too i asking for too much?? I have been broken many a times..(often came as a shock to me) when out of the blue, one fine day..i come to know that the person i love/adore/ admire n what not...does not like me...rather hates me...and whatever he/ she was showing...was all farce............
I have had it plenty n enough...dont want anymore of it... I Have had my share of agonies...and i pray all those ppl who are reading this dont go thru what all i have gone thru in the past and have a filled life..!!
God bless you all!!
Is there any way of knowing what is going to happen to each one of us in the would be fun to know all such things as to whether u would get admission into an IIM (for all the MBA / CAT aspirants)..whether there is a scope for promotion...(for all who seems to love their jobs)...or as to whether u would be in a totally different field..enjoying your work more than ever before..(for all those never-satisfied-guys like myself??)...
Well there are 2 aspects to this whole ideology of seeing the future...i mean..if i knew that 2 years down the lane, i am in a different company doing a better job / enjoyin my work/ earning more...i would obviously loose my interest in doing my present work...y should u slog ur ass off and do all this when u know tat down the lane u r gonna be in a better position.....right?? the argument seems pretty valid to me.. but then think of it in this way...the future u saw may come true only if you continue to work the way u are working right now..? now this looks more or less like printing on one side of a paper "The statement on the other side is TRUE" and on the other side you print "The statement on the other side is FALSE"...?? cool eh??
I for one firmly believe that my actions of today will speak for me tomorrow...what i do today...will have an impact on my life sometime down the may not be very evident or explicit but then down the lane, you look back at the string of events leading up to the situation, you will realise that it was coz u said a "yes" at some moment (for eg.) that you are in the postion that you are today...and if you had said a "no" to the same situation, for all you know you might not have been in this situation today - be it good or bad...!!
This infact reinstates the theory ..."you are the decider of your own future..of your own fate".......
Life is full of "ifs" n "buts" (mind u single "t" only;-))...and it is the outcome of this "if" loop which decides the output/ this case your life...
hmmm...the chain of thoughts have absolutely no connectivity..and i have wandered away from what i started i guess...but then its fun just putting into words watever goes thru ur mind...let the mind do the talking...dont think twice..who knows..the time i am spending putting these thoughts down may in some way affect my future....(crossed-fingers..hoping its for the good) i continue on my rambling...i am reminded of an eminent personality's words which said something like - Never love your company so much that you feel upset when you are asked to leave , for the company may not be loving u so much....
lets extrapolate this a bit further ...Should we love one person so much so that his/ her loss can affect us real bad?? Loss can be a physical distance...or the person being dead or anything for that matter...does one person alone deserve all the love that you have in ur heart...Should a husband love his wife so much so that a day without her and he would go insane...n vice versa??? should a kid love his mother so much (rare possibility) or should a mother love her kid so much so that a day without her kid n she feels completely incomplete ( that an oxymoron now "completely incomplete"?)
How does one know that the person whom he/she loves loves him/ her back as much...
taking my own case...i would be broken if i came to know that any person whom i respected/ loved a lot does not love/ respect me so much..!!i may look like i am imposing myself onto aint necessary tat everyone be the same as you are...(if that was the case..then the world would have been such a peaceful place to live in)..but is it expecting too i asking for too much?? I have been broken many a times..(often came as a shock to me) when out of the blue, one fine day..i come to know that the person i love/adore/ admire n what not...does not like me...rather hates me...and whatever he/ she was showing...was all farce............
I have had it plenty n enough...dont want anymore of it... I Have had my share of agonies...and i pray all those ppl who are reading this dont go thru what all i have gone thru in the past and have a filled life..!!
God bless you all!!
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Bad Morning:-((((
Any guesses where I am right now?? IN OFFICE. My first project (though i had claimed in the last mail all was going fine)..well...i guess it was waiting for me to say it and a small screw up happened which was again not our fault but then to get things back in order, it became the headache of ours. So in the early hours of a beautiful (i hope) Saturday morning, Me and my 3 other colleagues - Srijith, Randeep and Vinay are sitting here and trying to get things back in shape.
Just hope that everything goes fine. Life aint that easy eh? Things never seem to go the way we expect them to. And to think of it, today this issue came up just as we were packing up for the day and going back home...damn...a minute earlier and we would all have been happily tucked away in our sweet bed!!Its 6:45 am in the morning and the issue has not yet been resolved.
God alone knows when we will get back..when we will sleep...when i will get up..and GODAMNITT!! WHEN WILL I PREP FOR GMAT!!!!!!!!!!?????????????/
Sometimes , things just dont go the way we want them to...
All of a sudden, I am feeling fed up of this job...My sould thirsts for something more challenging..somewhere where i can use my speaking to ppl..interact with them...organise events..where my brain is worked a bit more...All these makes me seriously want to jump into "Event Management". But then, I dont know where i am headed to right now. One thing for u sure i know, that i aint gonna stick to the software industry for long...This aint my cup of way!!
Damn!!I am drinking my 7th coffee of the night (or should it be morning) in the past 8 hours. What they say seems to be true tat this stuff is addictive. I mean after my 3rd cup, i could not stay off it...i had to have it and go on sippin it to keep me awake. And 10 min away from this, i start feeling drowsy and i mst have my next cup before i sleep off on my desk.......
Just hope that everything goes fine. Life aint that easy eh? Things never seem to go the way we expect them to. And to think of it, today this issue came up just as we were packing up for the day and going back home...damn...a minute earlier and we would all have been happily tucked away in our sweet bed!!Its 6:45 am in the morning and the issue has not yet been resolved.
God alone knows when we will get back..when we will sleep...when i will get up..and GODAMNITT!! WHEN WILL I PREP FOR GMAT!!!!!!!!!!?????????????/
Sometimes , things just dont go the way we want them to...
All of a sudden, I am feeling fed up of this job...My sould thirsts for something more challenging..somewhere where i can use my speaking to ppl..interact with them...organise events..where my brain is worked a bit more...All these makes me seriously want to jump into "Event Management". But then, I dont know where i am headed to right now. One thing for u sure i know, that i aint gonna stick to the software industry for long...This aint my cup of way!!
Damn!!I am drinking my 7th coffee of the night (or should it be morning) in the past 8 hours. What they say seems to be true tat this stuff is addictive. I mean after my 3rd cup, i could not stay off it...i had to have it and go on sippin it to keep me awake. And 10 min away from this, i start feeling drowsy and i mst have my next cup before i sleep off on my desk.......
Friday, September 24, 2004
Beautiful Mind...........
The new project is going on full fledged. There is a status update meeting every 2 days with the clients. The last project i did went on successfully (so far) into production environment and today the live data going to be tested. So my first project is a sucess (touch wood).The new one seems to be challenging esp since i am involved in the requiremnt analysis stage.
Never thought that 1 yr into work and i would be doing analysis..and though i have just got into the analysis phase, i am already startin to like development better where your PM / ML (module leader) gives u a KT (Knowledge transfer) and you can just bombard them with questions and keep going back to them for more n more clarifications n doubts. And yeah then there is the development phase which though can get boring is much more challenging than analysis..i guess...;-)In the analysis stage, the only ppl whom u can approach with your doubts are the clients and that , trust me, at times gives u the shivers..the various questions they shoot back at you..and there are moments when u dont know what to answer..for all you know , your colleague working in the same project may have told something quite contradictory to what you are about to say..anyway..Jo Hoga dekha jaayega!!! Hope n pray i dont do any blunders in the analysis stage..coz if i do then this would not be realised till about half way into development and then reverting back from whatever i had commited is going to cost me my job/ my career and prob loss to the company and what not..!!Ok - its not like i am plannin to stick to one company for my entire life span but even then, a sort of commitment to the company u working for right now..after all i am where i am , what i am due to this company as of now..right?:-)
The weekend is here..dont have much room mates srijith n basu are on-call and in-office respectively. So this weekend i would be spending my time doin my mock tests for GMAT, watchin telly, listening to music and sleepin away to glory.Speaking of Music, been real long since i heard some rock. I believe its the situation, the place where you are, the kind of friends that one has which influences your various tastes in it music, eating habits, the language u use (the slang rather)..when i joined my college 5 years back, i only used to listen to limited Hindi songs, and once in a blue moon English ones (likes of BSB, Bzone etc..) but then once into college, i was introduced into the world of Rock by none other than Naveen Babu Bitla who down the lane turned out to be a very good friend of mine. This guy was probably the only one who heard the likes of Metallice, Iron Maiden etc. in our first yr batch. And i still remember that day when we were havin a party in Adarsh's room. I guess it was his bday (Oct.3)..when this guy walks in . We introduce each other..and then he makes us all listen to the rock that he listens to daily..and lo!!in a span of probably less than 3 months, you had almost an entire batch of students listening to "Nothing else Matters", "enter sandman" etc..etc...It was a revolution..what a shift in the atmosphere of the rooms that we used to hang about. From the normal sallu/ shahrukh numbers that everyone used to listen to, focus shifted to Hard rock and everyone enjoyed it. And since that day, i have atleast in the 4 years of my college listened 95% of the times to only Rock (be it soft or hard)..
And then again, there was a turn of circumstances...and i was in this group in blore where none listened to anything but the songs of "BOYS" (eniku oru girlfriend venamada;-)) and i started listening to that and many more tamil fact the 3 other guys whom i shared rooms with were also tamilians and i ended up listening (the 3 months of my infy Training) only to Tamil songs of the latest movies....and i used to watch tamil movies on CD / theatre as well...I may look like a guy who can be easily influenced by others / surroundings..hmmm - that may be true but then i would like to look at it as I am an extremely adaptable person who blend in easily with his surroundings and can go to either extremes..WOW!!aint i feeling good about myself.
This actually makes me wonder what would have happened if there were only Self appraisals in the companies.. Man, every tom, dick and harry would have been a Bill Gates in his or her own way. Who would like putting himself / herself down in front of came in...gotta go...
Have a grt weekend!! Bubye!!
Never thought that 1 yr into work and i would be doing analysis..and though i have just got into the analysis phase, i am already startin to like development better where your PM / ML (module leader) gives u a KT (Knowledge transfer) and you can just bombard them with questions and keep going back to them for more n more clarifications n doubts. And yeah then there is the development phase which though can get boring is much more challenging than analysis..i guess...;-)In the analysis stage, the only ppl whom u can approach with your doubts are the clients and that , trust me, at times gives u the shivers..the various questions they shoot back at you..and there are moments when u dont know what to answer..for all you know , your colleague working in the same project may have told something quite contradictory to what you are about to say..anyway..Jo Hoga dekha jaayega!!! Hope n pray i dont do any blunders in the analysis stage..coz if i do then this would not be realised till about half way into development and then reverting back from whatever i had commited is going to cost me my job/ my career and prob loss to the company and what not..!!Ok - its not like i am plannin to stick to one company for my entire life span but even then, a sort of commitment to the company u working for right now..after all i am where i am , what i am due to this company as of now..right?:-)
The weekend is here..dont have much room mates srijith n basu are on-call and in-office respectively. So this weekend i would be spending my time doin my mock tests for GMAT, watchin telly, listening to music and sleepin away to glory.Speaking of Music, been real long since i heard some rock. I believe its the situation, the place where you are, the kind of friends that one has which influences your various tastes in it music, eating habits, the language u use (the slang rather)..when i joined my college 5 years back, i only used to listen to limited Hindi songs, and once in a blue moon English ones (likes of BSB, Bzone etc..) but then once into college, i was introduced into the world of Rock by none other than Naveen Babu Bitla who down the lane turned out to be a very good friend of mine. This guy was probably the only one who heard the likes of Metallice, Iron Maiden etc. in our first yr batch. And i still remember that day when we were havin a party in Adarsh's room. I guess it was his bday (Oct.3)..when this guy walks in . We introduce each other..and then he makes us all listen to the rock that he listens to daily..and lo!!in a span of probably less than 3 months, you had almost an entire batch of students listening to "Nothing else Matters", "enter sandman" etc..etc...It was a revolution..what a shift in the atmosphere of the rooms that we used to hang about. From the normal sallu/ shahrukh numbers that everyone used to listen to, focus shifted to Hard rock and everyone enjoyed it. And since that day, i have atleast in the 4 years of my college listened 95% of the times to only Rock (be it soft or hard)..
And then again, there was a turn of circumstances...and i was in this group in blore where none listened to anything but the songs of "BOYS" (eniku oru girlfriend venamada;-)) and i started listening to that and many more tamil fact the 3 other guys whom i shared rooms with were also tamilians and i ended up listening (the 3 months of my infy Training) only to Tamil songs of the latest movies....and i used to watch tamil movies on CD / theatre as well...I may look like a guy who can be easily influenced by others / surroundings..hmmm - that may be true but then i would like to look at it as I am an extremely adaptable person who blend in easily with his surroundings and can go to either extremes..WOW!!aint i feeling good about myself.
This actually makes me wonder what would have happened if there were only Self appraisals in the companies.. Man, every tom, dick and harry would have been a Bill Gates in his or her own way. Who would like putting himself / herself down in front of came in...gotta go...
Have a grt weekend!! Bubye!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2004

You're a Vampire. Vampires were the creatures of
the night that were believed to live off of
human blood. Count Dracula, being the most
famous vampire, set the stereotype. They had
dark hair and pale skin from being away from
the sunlight. If they actually existed, it's
very possible they had the skin disease that
made you allergic to the sun so whenever the
sunlight would hit it, it would hurt like
crazy. They were usually snobbish and control
freaks and kept werewolves as pets. (If you
cannot see the picture, go to my userpage and
look near the bottom. There should be the
picture and description for all the results)
What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures)
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Past 1 month
Been one solid month since i blogged and about 1.5 months since i stopped bloggin on a daily basis..Life has been very very busy for me the past month or so. Was into the implementation / project set up of this particular project in Business Objects, which consumed my time right from 9:00 am in the morning till 7:00 pm atleast and then once that was done, i would too tired to do anything at all for the day. Just wanted to get back home n crash. Just lie on the something..and happily sleep.
Well the implementation part of the above mentioned project got on to a steady state about last month end and things slowly were getting even paced and voila!!i was put into this new project, where in I have to start from scratch. Right now we (myself and Srijith) are doing the requirement gathering / analysis..and once that is done, will have to propose an ideal tactical solution and then one of us would be goin to blore for the development phase while the other stayed on here or London. This new project is outside the current dept of RBS. We will be working for another department all together and we were to be ideally based in London but then since our previous project (my first one) is going LIVE next weekend, we have been asked to stay on here for Production support and for any subsequent problems that might crop up!!!Right now i am 100% into this new project while Srijith is 50%.
Happenings in life...nothing much other than for the fact that myself and basu shifted into Srijith's house. This is a new house with 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, hall and a bathroom. And we have als got cable TV the time flies after getting back home just switching channels and not really watching anything in particular.
My weight has become steady and not increasing..but then thinking of aint decreasing either....
last weekend, one of my colleagues - Parveen - was leaving to Cardiff for a new assignment. So the Infoscions in Edinburgh had a bachelor's party and boy didnt we enjoy. Atleast i did. Danced a real lot as it is very evident in the snaps. Anyway had a grt time after really long time.
Other than that couple of weeks back (August last weekend), had gone to Isle of skye. About 6 of us in a Merc C class. There were 3 guys - myself, srijith and Basu and 3 girls - Priti, Madhuri and Sapna. We thought the car was big enough to accomodate everyone but then we realised our folly a bit too late. We went yet again to Inverness & Fort Williams(which included the trip to Ben Nevis as well) en'route isle.This was a good trip> Being the second trip to this place, there was nothing new to appreciate but the scenic beauty. The thrill of driving was also not much since the Merc C- class was auto geared. Frankly the legs used to get numb having just one pressed on the accelerator which would get locked as well if u maintained the same speed over a period of time. So imagine driving a car to the highlands with both of ur legs curled up under u and hands on the steering...:-) reminded me of my childhood days when before my dad started the car, i would be kneeling on the driver's seat (to get a view of the front) and just holding the steering n turning it either ways and making the vrrroommmmmmmmm..bbbbbbrrrrrrrr...sounds from my mouth trying to mimick the start of a car and its driving. In this case i didnt have to put even that effort of makin a sound...he he:-))))))) scope of giving CAT this year has gone down the drain. I sent in my application but have my doubts if it would have reached before Sept 10th or not. Anyway have got the GMAT Princeton review / Barrons books n CD's. Have started on the prep for GMAT. Will have to book a date in the next 2 months time as that i can apply to the universities here for the course next Fall. Just hope that i get a scholarship for which again i have to prove my credentials. Lot of things to be cleared and applications to be submitted and the first step in this direction is getting a good GMAT n TOEFL score.Thats it for today!!
Hopefully i should start blogging on a daily basis once again. Keeping my fingers crossed for everything:-)
Well the implementation part of the above mentioned project got on to a steady state about last month end and things slowly were getting even paced and voila!!i was put into this new project, where in I have to start from scratch. Right now we (myself and Srijith) are doing the requirement gathering / analysis..and once that is done, will have to propose an ideal tactical solution and then one of us would be goin to blore for the development phase while the other stayed on here or London. This new project is outside the current dept of RBS. We will be working for another department all together and we were to be ideally based in London but then since our previous project (my first one) is going LIVE next weekend, we have been asked to stay on here for Production support and for any subsequent problems that might crop up!!!Right now i am 100% into this new project while Srijith is 50%.
Happenings in life...nothing much other than for the fact that myself and basu shifted into Srijith's house. This is a new house with 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, hall and a bathroom. And we have als got cable TV the time flies after getting back home just switching channels and not really watching anything in particular.
My weight has become steady and not increasing..but then thinking of aint decreasing either....
last weekend, one of my colleagues - Parveen - was leaving to Cardiff for a new assignment. So the Infoscions in Edinburgh had a bachelor's party and boy didnt we enjoy. Atleast i did. Danced a real lot as it is very evident in the snaps. Anyway had a grt time after really long time.
Other than that couple of weeks back (August last weekend), had gone to Isle of skye. About 6 of us in a Merc C class. There were 3 guys - myself, srijith and Basu and 3 girls - Priti, Madhuri and Sapna. We thought the car was big enough to accomodate everyone but then we realised our folly a bit too late. We went yet again to Inverness & Fort Williams(which included the trip to Ben Nevis as well) en'route isle.This was a good trip> Being the second trip to this place, there was nothing new to appreciate but the scenic beauty. The thrill of driving was also not much since the Merc C- class was auto geared. Frankly the legs used to get numb having just one pressed on the accelerator which would get locked as well if u maintained the same speed over a period of time. So imagine driving a car to the highlands with both of ur legs curled up under u and hands on the steering...:-) reminded me of my childhood days when before my dad started the car, i would be kneeling on the driver's seat (to get a view of the front) and just holding the steering n turning it either ways and making the vrrroommmmmmmmm..bbbbbbrrrrrrrr...sounds from my mouth trying to mimick the start of a car and its driving. In this case i didnt have to put even that effort of makin a sound...he he:-))))))) scope of giving CAT this year has gone down the drain. I sent in my application but have my doubts if it would have reached before Sept 10th or not. Anyway have got the GMAT Princeton review / Barrons books n CD's. Have started on the prep for GMAT. Will have to book a date in the next 2 months time as that i can apply to the universities here for the course next Fall. Just hope that i get a scholarship for which again i have to prove my credentials. Lot of things to be cleared and applications to be submitted and the first step in this direction is getting a good GMAT n TOEFL score.Thats it for today!!
Hopefully i should start blogging on a daily basis once again. Keeping my fingers crossed for everything:-)
Friday, August 20, 2004
Chicken Soup for the Soul
The Worm
By Julie Long
I couldn't put the worm on. I prided myself on being a tomboy - I
hated Barbies and baths, and loved climbing trees and playing with Tonka trucks -
but something about sticking a hook through a wiggling worm gave me the heebie-
jeebies. Dad had somehow understood, but how could I tell old Mr. Lyons,
who never had any kids? I almost hadn't gone fishing with him because of it,
but Mom talked me into it. Then, the closer we got to the river, the more it
worried me. It was nice of Mr. Lyons to take me fishing. Since my dad had died the
fall before, it was just my mom and us four girls, and I knew we wouldn't go
fishing or camping or canoeing anymore.
I missed my dad and had taken to hanging around Mr. Lyons's yard as he
worked on building his houseboat. I loved the smell of sawdust and stain -
a scent that was fading from my dad's unused workshop. I think Mr. Lyons
liked my company, too. He'd be hammering a nail or planing wood with his eyes
squinting in concentration until his dog Brownie would announce my arrival with a
bark. When he'd look up and see it was me, he'd set his tools down and scratch his
gray, scruffy chin and say he was glad I came by because he needed a break.Mr.Lyons had finished the houseboat in the spring, and he'd already taken it down to the river.He pulled the truck up next to the houseboat.
"Well, how's she look?"
"Real nice, Mr. Lyons."
"We'll just fish right off the front bow. It's nice and shady there.
The fish'll be keeping cool and waiting for a worm to wiggle on by."
We got the fishing poles out of the bed of the Ford. Mine was just the bamboo pole I had dug out from the camping supplies in the basement. Dad had tried to teach me how to cast his rod and reel but I had tangled the line up something awful. Maybe now that I had turned eleven I'd have better luck. Mr. Lyons reached back in the truck bed for the tackle box, then reached in again and handed me the Styrofoam container of worms. I followed him down the bank and onto the boat, keeping an eye that the lid stayed on. Once on the bow, Mr. Lyons started getting everything set up. Any minute now I'd have to admit to him my aversion to worms. Then he'd probably never ask me to go fishing again. He handed me my pole, then set the container between us and fished out a worm for his pole. Then, just when I was ready to confess, Mr.Lyons confessed to me instead.
"Always hate this part," he mumbled as he held the worm in one hand and his hook in the other. "It's silly, but stickin' the poor little guy with a hook makes me feel, I dunno what you'd call it. . . ."
"Like you have the heebie-jeebies?" I offered hopefully.
"That's it exactly. The heebie-jeebies. You get 'em, too?"
"A little," I admitted, relief washing over me.
"Yeah. I guess sometimes we gotta go through the bad to get to the good. Want me to hook your worm for ya?"
There it was. My way out. All I had to say was "yes" and I'd be off
the hook and my worm would be on. But I felt bad making Mr. Lyons put the worm
on if he hated it as much as me. So I reached into the cool dirt and picked up a
fat worm between my fingers. I tried not to think about how slimy it felt as I
quickly poked the hook through its middle and wiped my hand on my jeans.
I had done it! It definitely gave me the heebie-jeebies, but I had
gotten through it. I looked up at Mr. Lyons. He gave me a wink. I grinned with
pride and tossed my line in the water. The bad part was over.Today, of course, I realize my mom must have shared my problem with Mr.Lyons;
I'm fairly certain he didn't have a case of the heebie-jeebies at all.But I also know that he helped me grasp, on a child's level, the principle of persevering through the bad to get to the good. My mom and sisters and I never did fish together again; the days of camping and canoeing died with my father.But we struggled through the grief and, when we got through the bad, we eventually found other good times to enjoy as a family. And I continued to fish with Mr. Lyons . . . and bait my own hook.
By Julie Long
I couldn't put the worm on. I prided myself on being a tomboy - I
hated Barbies and baths, and loved climbing trees and playing with Tonka trucks -
but something about sticking a hook through a wiggling worm gave me the heebie-
jeebies. Dad had somehow understood, but how could I tell old Mr. Lyons,
who never had any kids? I almost hadn't gone fishing with him because of it,
but Mom talked me into it. Then, the closer we got to the river, the more it
worried me. It was nice of Mr. Lyons to take me fishing. Since my dad had died the
fall before, it was just my mom and us four girls, and I knew we wouldn't go
fishing or camping or canoeing anymore.
I missed my dad and had taken to hanging around Mr. Lyons's yard as he
worked on building his houseboat. I loved the smell of sawdust and stain -
a scent that was fading from my dad's unused workshop. I think Mr. Lyons
liked my company, too. He'd be hammering a nail or planing wood with his eyes
squinting in concentration until his dog Brownie would announce my arrival with a
bark. When he'd look up and see it was me, he'd set his tools down and scratch his
gray, scruffy chin and say he was glad I came by because he needed a break.Mr.Lyons had finished the houseboat in the spring, and he'd already taken it down to the river.He pulled the truck up next to the houseboat.
"Well, how's she look?"
"Real nice, Mr. Lyons."
"We'll just fish right off the front bow. It's nice and shady there.
The fish'll be keeping cool and waiting for a worm to wiggle on by."
We got the fishing poles out of the bed of the Ford. Mine was just the bamboo pole I had dug out from the camping supplies in the basement. Dad had tried to teach me how to cast his rod and reel but I had tangled the line up something awful. Maybe now that I had turned eleven I'd have better luck. Mr. Lyons reached back in the truck bed for the tackle box, then reached in again and handed me the Styrofoam container of worms. I followed him down the bank and onto the boat, keeping an eye that the lid stayed on. Once on the bow, Mr. Lyons started getting everything set up. Any minute now I'd have to admit to him my aversion to worms. Then he'd probably never ask me to go fishing again. He handed me my pole, then set the container between us and fished out a worm for his pole. Then, just when I was ready to confess, Mr.Lyons confessed to me instead.
"Always hate this part," he mumbled as he held the worm in one hand and his hook in the other. "It's silly, but stickin' the poor little guy with a hook makes me feel, I dunno what you'd call it. . . ."
"Like you have the heebie-jeebies?" I offered hopefully.
"That's it exactly. The heebie-jeebies. You get 'em, too?"
"A little," I admitted, relief washing over me.
"Yeah. I guess sometimes we gotta go through the bad to get to the good. Want me to hook your worm for ya?"
There it was. My way out. All I had to say was "yes" and I'd be off
the hook and my worm would be on. But I felt bad making Mr. Lyons put the worm
on if he hated it as much as me. So I reached into the cool dirt and picked up a
fat worm between my fingers. I tried not to think about how slimy it felt as I
quickly poked the hook through its middle and wiped my hand on my jeans.
I had done it! It definitely gave me the heebie-jeebies, but I had
gotten through it. I looked up at Mr. Lyons. He gave me a wink. I grinned with
pride and tossed my line in the water. The bad part was over.Today, of course, I realize my mom must have shared my problem with Mr.Lyons;
I'm fairly certain he didn't have a case of the heebie-jeebies at all.But I also know that he helped me grasp, on a child's level, the principle of persevering through the bad to get to the good. My mom and sisters and I never did fish together again; the days of camping and canoeing died with my father.But we struggled through the grief and, when we got through the bad, we eventually found other good times to enjoy as a family. And I continued to fish with Mr. Lyons . . . and bait my own hook.
Friday, August 13, 2004
I am Back seems so good to be back n writing some crap or the other here..i was getting tired of writing formal mails, coordinating stuff, attendin audio calls, telecons and what not...Those few moments of spare time i used to feel i was running this company
man...past 10 days, i have been up and on my toes, running around, chasing ppl, getting them to do the work getting the infrastructure in place, checking the connections...yeah yeah..i have been workin more like a guy from the CSG (Computer Support Group) of my college or as my friends nicknamed me here - CCD simliar to CSG:-) at times it was fun...just attending calls, audio conferences and talking to ppl..interacting with them..- which in fact is my hobby...but then at times...used to feel sick doing this work, felt like a coolie;-)
anyway just want to crash for the weekend now..though that aint possible since i am working tomo:-(
chau all you out there!!!
man...past 10 days, i have been up and on my toes, running around, chasing ppl, getting them to do the work getting the infrastructure in place, checking the connections...yeah yeah..i have been workin more like a guy from the CSG (Computer Support Group) of my college or as my friends nicknamed me here - CCD simliar to CSG:-) at times it was fun...just attending calls, audio conferences and talking to ppl..interacting with them..- which in fact is my hobby...but then at times...used to feel sick doing this work, felt like a coolie;-)
anyway just want to crash for the weekend now..though that aint possible since i am working tomo:-(
chau all you out there!!!
Monday, August 02, 2004
check it out!
Just read this article on "Give everything YOU CAN to everyone YOU KNOW".
Got link into that site from Ashik.
A very good read. One of the best i have read. Enjoy and understand the philosophy of life:-) and try following it buddies!!
Got link into that site from Ashik.
A very good read. One of the best i have read. Enjoy and understand the philosophy of life:-) and try following it buddies!!
Be positive
Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS. From
world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which
conveyed :
"Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?
To this Arthur Ashe replied:
The world over --
5 crore children start playing tennis,
50 lakh learn to play tennis,
5 lakh learn professional tennis,
50,000 come to the circuit,
5000 reach the grand slam,
50 reach Wimbeldon,
4 to semi final,
2 to the finals,
When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?".
And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?"
Happiness keeps u Sweet,
Trials keep u Strong,
Sorrow keeps u Human ,
Failure Keeps u Humble,
Success keeps u Glowing,
But only God Keeps u Going. amazing read to start the week for all of us who crib to no end about trivial matters of life eh? One needs to have a strong character and mind to be positive always in life. You cant always expect to be on the happy end of life. There are gonna be tribulations and worries everytime, everywhere. Its upto each one of us to decide the way we look at our problem. 2 options is what is presented to us:
1. Fret about it. Think about the situation through out and spoil the rest of your life thinking about it alone
2. JUst think of it as something as trivial as an ant bite and just lead your life the way you want to. Be content and happy that you dont have to face the same problem every other day but only once in a while. Enjoy life.
What would you choose. Given the options, I would definitely prefer choice 2 any day.
anyway its upto you to "take the pill. The choice is yours".
Well had a quite weekend. Was at home itself sleeping half the time, reading novel the other half. On sunday myself, vinay, basu, srijith and sapna went to Princess street for window shopping mainly and i bought a sleeveless t-shirt and one half sleev t-shirt. Both GAP.. they were selling it dirt cheap - £4 only. cool all you morons out there..dont convert currency and call me rich. GAP t-shirts generally come for £25 - £40...:-)
and guess what...I HAVE STARTED JOGGING yet again. Morning got up at 6:00 am and went for ajog around 6:30..jogged for about 20- 25 min..did some stretches ( I could hear my poor body tearing) and got back home. And for the first time after day 1 in office, i reached the office today morning at arnd 8:35 am..:-))))
world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which
conveyed :
"Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?
To this Arthur Ashe replied:
The world over --
5 crore children start playing tennis,
50 lakh learn to play tennis,
5 lakh learn professional tennis,
50,000 come to the circuit,
5000 reach the grand slam,
50 reach Wimbeldon,
4 to semi final,
2 to the finals,
When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?".
And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?"
Happiness keeps u Sweet,
Trials keep u Strong,
Sorrow keeps u Human ,
Failure Keeps u Humble,
Success keeps u Glowing,
But only God Keeps u Going. amazing read to start the week for all of us who crib to no end about trivial matters of life eh? One needs to have a strong character and mind to be positive always in life. You cant always expect to be on the happy end of life. There are gonna be tribulations and worries everytime, everywhere. Its upto each one of us to decide the way we look at our problem. 2 options is what is presented to us:
1. Fret about it. Think about the situation through out and spoil the rest of your life thinking about it alone
2. JUst think of it as something as trivial as an ant bite and just lead your life the way you want to. Be content and happy that you dont have to face the same problem every other day but only once in a while. Enjoy life.
What would you choose. Given the options, I would definitely prefer choice 2 any day.
anyway its upto you to "take the pill. The choice is yours".
Well had a quite weekend. Was at home itself sleeping half the time, reading novel the other half. On sunday myself, vinay, basu, srijith and sapna went to Princess street for window shopping mainly and i bought a sleeveless t-shirt and one half sleev t-shirt. Both GAP.. they were selling it dirt cheap - £4 only. cool all you morons out there..dont convert currency and call me rich. GAP t-shirts generally come for £25 - £40...:-)
and guess what...I HAVE STARTED JOGGING yet again. Morning got up at 6:00 am and went for ajog around 6:30..jogged for about 20- 25 min..did some stretches ( I could hear my poor body tearing) and got back home. And for the first time after day 1 in office, i reached the office today morning at arnd 8:35 am..:-))))
Friday, July 30, 2004
Friendship Day
Friendship day is here and i am thrown back to memories of college where we used to look forward for this day.
We here is "LEO" club of RECT. I was a member of it and God, didnt have a great group of ppl from our year in this club.
The mentionable members of this club were:
Myself (ofcourse),Remya, Shivani, Addy, Ashwin,Amrita, Susan and Thakur(Saurabh Singh currently in IIMB)..yeah thats can call me biased but these were the only people whom i liked in my club...n(now dont count the number of girls in the above list - it just happens like that:-))
And we were the ones who used to organize Friendship Day in college...God and didnt we make huge profits.
Coming to think of it, we did manage to fool almost the entire college (our yr) into buying some thread pieces n a piece of paper for 10 - 20 bucks. And as far as i can remember (leave alone my close friends) none seemed to complain. Thats a commendable achievement in the art of convincing people and not getting any complaints. And we did the same thing for 4 yrs, though each time it were the first yrs who were the bakraas. What better way for a girl to approach a guy ;-)or the vice-versa than giving a friendship band (duh? band??..whatever) and asking like in the movie "Mujse Dosthi karoge".hmmmm...anyway those were the days..and ofcourse we did reap huge profits and we went on seeral trips with the loot:-)
Amazingly we were called the "Blood-sucking" club as well.This was coz our club used to conduct Blood donation camps and ask students to volunteer to give blood. Well this was for a generous cause and ppl found fault with us for the same.
Man!!the world is so damn partial you realise. You do something good for the society, everyone calls you names, abuses you and what not (as in the latter case) but you do somethin crooked, cheat all of them, swindle and whatever evil comes to mind and none even bothers...all are happy...
Makes me wonder at times...if i have to continue being honest and trustworthy, the way i am now;-) or should i becomea swindler, a cheat, a all those millions out there who live daily cheating ppl....hmmmm....
signing off for the day with a reply that i got from one of my close friends , Sankar, when i had mailed him a "Happy friendship day"
Now if there is a second person whom i envy in his English, its him. (the first is one of my seniors - Sidin..He plays with words...juggles them around to make you laugh)
Following is the reply i got....(dont mind the praises he has for me in there...hmmm..sounding like a narcist off late)
"thanx for bein such a super friend to me.. in this ocean of a million faces, u are travellin like achilles in the blue mediterranean- in the eternal odyssey without direction that is LIFE... u have perchance come across many inevitable rocks n' boulders.. the sights of some have made u consider even alighting and taking a break..n' rarely, some that u've even decided to visit again... it is good to know that among those chosen few sandy beaches where u have not only broken ur journey but actually holidayed.. one is ME. n i treasure ur entry into my heart, where u will live forever.. :)"
Cool aint it..!!:-)Cheers all you buddies out there...
Happy Friendship day to one and all:-)
We here is "LEO" club of RECT. I was a member of it and God, didnt have a great group of ppl from our year in this club.
The mentionable members of this club were:
Myself (ofcourse),Remya, Shivani, Addy, Ashwin,Amrita, Susan and Thakur(Saurabh Singh currently in IIMB)..yeah thats can call me biased but these were the only people whom i liked in my club...n(now dont count the number of girls in the above list - it just happens like that:-))
And we were the ones who used to organize Friendship Day in college...God and didnt we make huge profits.
Coming to think of it, we did manage to fool almost the entire college (our yr) into buying some thread pieces n a piece of paper for 10 - 20 bucks. And as far as i can remember (leave alone my close friends) none seemed to complain. Thats a commendable achievement in the art of convincing people and not getting any complaints. And we did the same thing for 4 yrs, though each time it were the first yrs who were the bakraas. What better way for a girl to approach a guy ;-)or the vice-versa than giving a friendship band (duh? band??..whatever) and asking like in the movie "Mujse Dosthi karoge".hmmmm...anyway those were the days..and ofcourse we did reap huge profits and we went on seeral trips with the loot:-)
Amazingly we were called the "Blood-sucking" club as well.This was coz our club used to conduct Blood donation camps and ask students to volunteer to give blood. Well this was for a generous cause and ppl found fault with us for the same.
Man!!the world is so damn partial you realise. You do something good for the society, everyone calls you names, abuses you and what not (as in the latter case) but you do somethin crooked, cheat all of them, swindle and whatever evil comes to mind and none even bothers...all are happy...
Makes me wonder at times...if i have to continue being honest and trustworthy, the way i am now;-) or should i becomea swindler, a cheat, a all those millions out there who live daily cheating ppl....hmmmm....
signing off for the day with a reply that i got from one of my close friends , Sankar, when i had mailed him a "Happy friendship day"
Now if there is a second person whom i envy in his English, its him. (the first is one of my seniors - Sidin..He plays with words...juggles them around to make you laugh)
Following is the reply i got....(dont mind the praises he has for me in there...hmmm..sounding like a narcist off late)
"thanx for bein such a super friend to me.. in this ocean of a million faces, u are travellin like achilles in the blue mediterranean- in the eternal odyssey without direction that is LIFE... u have perchance come across many inevitable rocks n' boulders.. the sights of some have made u consider even alighting and taking a break..n' rarely, some that u've even decided to visit again... it is good to know that among those chosen few sandy beaches where u have not only broken ur journey but actually holidayed.. one is ME. n i treasure ur entry into my heart, where u will live forever.. :)"
Cool aint it..!!:-)Cheers all you buddies out there...
Happy Friendship day to one and all:-)
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Think Before you Leap
I am just sitting here...just whistling away time..thinking abt my past..abt my future..!!!How it was 10 yrs back..and how it is going to be 10 yrs from now...
I can see a small fly hovering around my nose. I have the mind to SWAT it but then I dont want to be framed as a MURDERER by the FLY community or whatever...
makes me wonder at times what if i was not what i am today...what would i have been..a fly?? Would i like being swatted down by some pesky human who was just not in the right mood and shortened my life by a day or two:-( Restlessnes, Impatience ect..are the very characteristics that describe a human when you come to think of it from an insect's point of view. Hmmm...I suddenly realise I am talking as if i am the director of SPCA.
Just never actually lose by loving someone or something.But it is difficult to love a person, especially when you don't know how to express your feelings (How can you express your love for insects;-)?? interesting thought huh>>) Worse still, if you are unsure of the person's feelings, the uncertainty can really tear your heart - Dont think this is actually true in case of insects..but as far as humans are concerned, I can vouch that this is really tearing...that brief period of time when you dont know your possible/ probable better half's feelings for you;-)) and just hoping against hopes that she loves you the same way if not more than what you love her.
Flirting is something i guess every guy loves doing..and I was crowned in college of being an expert in it though i myself was not very sure of the same...anyway will pen down the basic points of this so called flirting..
statutory warning: I am not to be held responsible if any of the following steps fail. These have proven to be good techniques time and again by many.
Here goes:
1. Our actions speak a lot for us. The very act of getting a cup of tea for your colleague when he/ she didnt actually ask for the first way to break into their region. a sign that you are open and ready for the friendship.
2. Never ask too many questions. Asking too many questions in the first couple of meetings could force the other person to roll back into her shell. She will feel as if her privacy is trying to be brooken.
3. In the first few quite a lot about yourself. Never get into details and bore the other person. JUst summarize the various happening of your life and you dont even have to mention about anythin personal even. If nothing intersting there...make up stories or narrate incidents from other ppl's lives ..statin them as your own.
4. Trying making the other person laugh. Make a joke at something dumb you did and laugh at yourself.Bring out the humour sense in you. Girls dig guys with good humour. The moment she laughs with me brother she is in sync with you. (Make sure that it aint a forced laugh..just for the heck of it)and once this stage is got thru, you can actually call up to meet her, just to spend some time with her and guaranteed she will be looking forward for the same too. In this busy hectic life, which girl would not like to spend some time with a guy who can make her laugh and make her forget all the worries of the world.
5. Once you are in the stage of freely callin her up and meeting her, slowly ask her questions abt her personal life...or anythin about her life...and she will start rolling out her life's movie reel to you..all the ups n downs..what she would not have shred with any other guy but her boyfriend/ husband , she may share it with you as time passes.
6. Never ever break her flow when she is talking abt her life. Learn to be a good listener. And dont break her flow of thoughts with your own dumb ideas n experiences and advices. Just give an ocassional nod supplemented by "hmmm"..."oh oh".."sheesh"..."oh my GOD"..."wow" per how the situation demands. Girls love being heard.(atleast most of them do)
7. Dont ever try getting physical with the girl. Wait..hover around and probably she will give in..(this never worked for me..nevertheless i still believe that given enough patience, it will work out)
8. Never give the indication that you are interested in her. Act as a normal friend. And as time goes by slowly praise her, make her feel good, give her flowers...and my Man!! She is yours...forever as a friend with whom you can talk anything n everything.
9. Dont ever brag about this girl and you in public. Dont do stupid things like giving off song dedications in her name for some function. This can really piss off the girl and all your efforts till then would have gone in vain. Rather to make yourself associated with the girl, go to places where there are lots of ppl..let them see n talk about you n her. Let the word spread by itself without any added effort from you:-)
The good part about flirting is never can the girl claim you proposed to her...and you dont have to be fixed with her and at the same time you can mate, i mean meet a lot of girls (which again makes girls fight with each other for you..though you have never evr once committed to anyone of them...)
Note: Jealousy is the one of the weakest point in any girl and you can use this as your STRONGEST weapon in wooing the girls to you. Just have to play it right.
All the best DUDES:-))) (guess i am in for a beating if all the girls whom i made friends this blog;-)- mind you..I hereby declare that I NEVER FLIRTED - I just followed the above 8 steps to Success;-)9th step aint my fav point but then it just used to happen..and hence this name of flirt stuck with me...DAMN!!!)
Will wind off this writing with a touchin story. This has nothing to do with flirting but then has to do with being patient (though in completely different context and not similar to the one stated in point 7 above:-)
This is a true story that happened in the States.
A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement,his 3-yr-old son was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, and hammered the little boy's hands into a pulp as punishment.When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital. Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate the fingers from both the boy's hands. When the boy woke u! p from the surgery & saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently asked," Daddy, I'm sorry about your truck, but when are my fingers going to grow back?" The father went home and committed suicide.!!!
Think about the story the next time u see someone spill milk at a dinner table or hear a baby crying or you think the a girl is not giving you any hints abt her feelings for you. Think first before u lose your patience with someone u love/ like. Trucks can be repaired. Broken bones & hurt feelings often can't and ofcourse A girl once lost...forever lost (very difficult to get her back you see).
Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever. Pause and ponder. ! Think before you act. Be patient. Understand and love.You Never Lose by Loving.
I can see a small fly hovering around my nose. I have the mind to SWAT it but then I dont want to be framed as a MURDERER by the FLY community or whatever...
makes me wonder at times what if i was not what i am today...what would i have been..a fly?? Would i like being swatted down by some pesky human who was just not in the right mood and shortened my life by a day or two:-( Restlessnes, Impatience ect..are the very characteristics that describe a human when you come to think of it from an insect's point of view. Hmmm...I suddenly realise I am talking as if i am the director of SPCA.
Just never actually lose by loving someone or something.But it is difficult to love a person, especially when you don't know how to express your feelings (How can you express your love for insects;-)?? interesting thought huh>>) Worse still, if you are unsure of the person's feelings, the uncertainty can really tear your heart - Dont think this is actually true in case of insects..but as far as humans are concerned, I can vouch that this is really tearing...that brief period of time when you dont know your possible/ probable better half's feelings for you;-)) and just hoping against hopes that she loves you the same way if not more than what you love her.
Flirting is something i guess every guy loves doing..and I was crowned in college of being an expert in it though i myself was not very sure of the same...anyway will pen down the basic points of this so called flirting..
statutory warning: I am not to be held responsible if any of the following steps fail. These have proven to be good techniques time and again by many.
Here goes:
1. Our actions speak a lot for us. The very act of getting a cup of tea for your colleague when he/ she didnt actually ask for the first way to break into their region. a sign that you are open and ready for the friendship.
2. Never ask too many questions. Asking too many questions in the first couple of meetings could force the other person to roll back into her shell. She will feel as if her privacy is trying to be brooken.
3. In the first few quite a lot about yourself. Never get into details and bore the other person. JUst summarize the various happening of your life and you dont even have to mention about anythin personal even. If nothing intersting there...make up stories or narrate incidents from other ppl's lives ..statin them as your own.
4. Trying making the other person laugh. Make a joke at something dumb you did and laugh at yourself.Bring out the humour sense in you. Girls dig guys with good humour. The moment she laughs with me brother she is in sync with you. (Make sure that it aint a forced laugh..just for the heck of it)and once this stage is got thru, you can actually call up to meet her, just to spend some time with her and guaranteed she will be looking forward for the same too. In this busy hectic life, which girl would not like to spend some time with a guy who can make her laugh and make her forget all the worries of the world.
5. Once you are in the stage of freely callin her up and meeting her, slowly ask her questions abt her personal life...or anythin about her life...and she will start rolling out her life's movie reel to you..all the ups n downs..what she would not have shred with any other guy but her boyfriend/ husband , she may share it with you as time passes.
6. Never ever break her flow when she is talking abt her life. Learn to be a good listener. And dont break her flow of thoughts with your own dumb ideas n experiences and advices. Just give an ocassional nod supplemented by "hmmm"..."oh oh".."sheesh"..."oh my GOD"..."wow" per how the situation demands. Girls love being heard.(atleast most of them do)
7. Dont ever try getting physical with the girl. Wait..hover around and probably she will give in..(this never worked for me..nevertheless i still believe that given enough patience, it will work out)
8. Never give the indication that you are interested in her. Act as a normal friend. And as time goes by slowly praise her, make her feel good, give her flowers...and my Man!! She is yours...forever as a friend with whom you can talk anything n everything.
9. Dont ever brag about this girl and you in public. Dont do stupid things like giving off song dedications in her name for some function. This can really piss off the girl and all your efforts till then would have gone in vain. Rather to make yourself associated with the girl, go to places where there are lots of ppl..let them see n talk about you n her. Let the word spread by itself without any added effort from you:-)
The good part about flirting is never can the girl claim you proposed to her...and you dont have to be fixed with her and at the same time you can mate, i mean meet a lot of girls (which again makes girls fight with each other for you..though you have never evr once committed to anyone of them...)
Note: Jealousy is the one of the weakest point in any girl and you can use this as your STRONGEST weapon in wooing the girls to you. Just have to play it right.
All the best DUDES:-))) (guess i am in for a beating if all the girls whom i made friends this blog;-)- mind you..I hereby declare that I NEVER FLIRTED - I just followed the above 8 steps to Success;-)9th step aint my fav point but then it just used to happen..and hence this name of flirt stuck with me...DAMN!!!)
Will wind off this writing with a touchin story. This has nothing to do with flirting but then has to do with being patient (though in completely different context and not similar to the one stated in point 7 above:-)
This is a true story that happened in the States.
A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement,his 3-yr-old son was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, and hammered the little boy's hands into a pulp as punishment.When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital. Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate the fingers from both the boy's hands. When the boy woke u! p from the surgery & saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently asked," Daddy, I'm sorry about your truck, but when are my fingers going to grow back?" The father went home and committed suicide.!!!
Think about the story the next time u see someone spill milk at a dinner table or hear a baby crying or you think the a girl is not giving you any hints abt her feelings for you. Think first before u lose your patience with someone u love/ like. Trucks can be repaired. Broken bones & hurt feelings often can't and ofcourse A girl once lost...forever lost (very difficult to get her back you see).
Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever. Pause and ponder. ! Think before you act. Be patient. Understand and love.You Never Lose by Loving.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
10 years Old!!
This is the last of the testsi will be taking..............TODAY..!!really amuses me how this tests are created to derive this results and no matter what the results are, I always seem to relate to the final outcome and feel it is absolutely right..!!


My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Prisoner's Dilemma
Was just reading sidin's blog and while reading the comments, got directed to another blog which had mention of Game theory in it and an associated link called Prisoner's dilemma. It was a really interesting read and if you have an interest in Maths especially, I can guarantee it would amuse you.
The whole theory revolves around the possibility of 2 ppl having to take 1 option out of 2 choices and the final outcome for both the ppl depends on each other's answer. And you would stand to gain maximum if you cheated and the opponent decided to be faithful. Sort of convinces you of the fact that "It pays to cheat, if your partner decides to remain faithful".
Just click on the link and you will get the wind of what i am saying.
And now since you have read this and understood the concept, it would be fun playing the game. I played it twice and I won it both the times. Dont know if that would be the case with everyone. Try out and let me know. After the first game, if you are brilliant enough;-), I guess you could very well anticipate the computer's move - called Serendip here, which again is derived from the word Serendipity meaning chance in one word.
Majaa Maadi!!
The whole theory revolves around the possibility of 2 ppl having to take 1 option out of 2 choices and the final outcome for both the ppl depends on each other's answer. And you would stand to gain maximum if you cheated and the opponent decided to be faithful. Sort of convinces you of the fact that "It pays to cheat, if your partner decides to remain faithful".
Just click on the link and you will get the wind of what i am saying.
And now since you have read this and understood the concept, it would be fun playing the game. I played it twice and I won it both the times. Dont know if that would be the case with everyone. Try out and let me know. After the first game, if you are brilliant enough;-), I guess you could very well anticipate the computer's move - called Serendip here, which again is derived from the word Serendipity meaning chance in one word.
Majaa Maadi!!
Road Trip II - Day 2
Well day 2 - morning we had got up only by 7:00. Sapna had got up at 5:30 since we had told her we will be starting early. But , I guess little did she know that we were one bunch of lazy gooses. Come to think of it...who in their sane mind would get up early in the morning on a Sunday. (i hope Sapna does not strangle me after reading this;-))
anyway we got ready by arnd 7:45 and by 8:00 we were on our way. From the moment we started from the travel lodge, it was raining heavily and the winds were strong. We thought by the time we reach Blackpool it would be better. But it was not to be. We reached Blackpool in less than an hour. And in a way it turned out to be a big flop going to this place on this day. It was as if everything was jinxed.
It was raining so badly and so cold that the very idea of going to Pleasure Beach was ruled out. We decided to go to the famous Blackpool Tower and go on the "Walk of Faith". This is nothing but at the top of the tower you have an area where the flooring is completely glass. And there is a precaution board saying, that it might break if you walk on it. Standing on this glass, all you can see is the 30 floors below floor. That is creepy and this is in an open area. Now as luck would have it, coz of the rain, they decided to restrict the entry into this. They said the glass was all wet n slippery and it was dangerous to go on "Walk of Faith" under such weather conditions.This dampened our spirits completely. It was not worth giving £12 entry fees and not being able to go to the top of the tower. there was a ball room and circus and so many other entertainment within the tower area but then we were in no mood for that. so ditched that. Now we were stranded in Blackpool with one whole day in hand and nothing to do coz of the weather.
What could be more irritating. We looked across the road and saw the stranded beach which otherwise in this supposed summer was to be filled with birds that were semi-clad or whatever. And instead what was inviting us was a dull stranded beach with not even a real bird in the vicinity. ( Later on i came to know that this area was also famous for its Sandstorm and we were lucky not to have got caught in that). Anyway we just walked around trying to find a shelter from the rain n wind. We saw this huge Casino by the name "The Buccaneer Family Bar". We decided to enter into it promising each other, we would not gamble or do anything of the sorts. Just walk around, see what is happening and once the rains stopped their beat, we would go somewhere. But we didnt know the surprise that was held for us. This was not the Casino which i had expected where big gambles are made. This was a proper fun area with lot of sega games and small gambling for 1 penny, 10 pence, 50 pence we started playing the of the games was dropping in 10 pence into a slot. And if the coin dropped at the right spot,there was this metal plate which would give ti a slight push which in turn would push the hazaars which were kept at the edge of the collection point. But try as much we could not get the coin to be pushed. So then we quit that game and walked around checking out stuff
Th next game we played was dropping in 50 pence and manouvering a metallic claw to pick up a teddy bear or something of the sorts from a box. By the time we had figured out how to do it efficiently, we had already spend abt £2 pounds on it. Cursing our luck and our day we ambled along and saw the next game - Camel race.
This game had about 15 toy camels lined, reaedy to race. And each person was alloted one camel. He was given 3 balls and he had to roll the ball into holes which was a t a distance and each hole was for a specific distance and depending on the hole in which the ball fell, the camel would move the appropriate distance.
Basu started off on this game. He played 2 rounds and in first round he almost came close to winning it. and ended up being 2nd in the race. Then Srijith played one round and he wa nowhere near winning.Next Srijith n myself played one round (mind you...there were 13 other ppl also playing along with us) and both of us did a poor show. Basu then coaxed me into playing one final round before we left the place. And i agreed. I played smooth and we won. I didnt even realise we had won until the guy came up and asked me which stuffed toy i wanted. I told him to give me "Hobbes" of the Calvin n Hobbes series. Relishing the victory we decided to stick on for some more time in there. Next we thought we would let Sapna play who was so far an enthusiastic supporter only. We came to this game of hitting the dinosaur that popped out with a hammer. She played that game thrice followed by Basu who played it once and in return we got 10 ticket points for which we got a "Skateboard key chain". Happy with our gifts, we got out and decided to munch on something since it was already half past 12. We entered into Mcdonalds. Srijith had some mini chocolate stuff and Sapna had veg. burger. I had a Big Mac Meal while the best of the lot was what Basu had - Big Chicken green ranch salad with dressing. It tasted yummy. Poor basu hardly got anything since the remaining 3 of us plunged into it as well.
After that we walked around Blackpool city center, checking out the place. We went to this "chor bazaar" likes in Blackpool where for a fleeting moment , i felt as if i was back in India. Anyway having roamed arnd plenty, we decided to hit it back and weather was also getting a bit better. Went to the tower once again to see if they had reopened the walk of faith. But all in vain. We got back into the car and drove along back to M6. At junction 44 we took a deviation to go to Coniston waters.
Thats when i took over the driving again. Initially it was a pleasant and smooth ride but as we went further n further into the country side, the roads were getting so narrow and for the first time i thanked Srijith for taking a small car which could fit in these roads more comfortably than any other cars.
We decided to go through Hawkshead hill and this road was a mighty climb- actually reminded me of the roads leading to Ooty. hawkshead Hill is famous especially fro having inspired one of the greats in poetry - William Wordsworth. Anyway we just kept going n going and suddenly came across a steep climb and i was in the 3rd gear (yet again) and i shifted to 2nd..and voila, the car stopped on upward slope. There were cars coming in from behind and Basu waved all of them to carry on past us. The problem was this was an upward slope and a curve. You can imagine my situation as the driver. It was such a fix where i could not even pass on the wheels to Srijith or Basu. If ever we were to get out of there, it had to be courtesy me then. And after so much valiant efforts, finally i managed to get out of that fix. really got workedup at that point. Luckily none Honked at me. that was the only relief i had. We then stopped at coniston waters. Sapna n Basu played in the waters for sometime...while i went on clicking and Srijith taking a break:-)
And after about having spent half an hour there, we continued.At a particular curve, suddenly the road narrowed further and there was another car coming in the opposite direction and i banged the left side of the car onto the rocks on the left side. I thought i had screwed up the car completely.But however , we were in a position not to stop the car anywhere...and so continued driving. Reached this place called Far Sawrey and realised that we were reaching a dead end and we had to take ferry service to get across the lake. Now we were all puzzled. Coz from a distance, it didnt look like there ever existed a ferry service and the very thought of having to drive back all the way we had come was extremely taunting. Anyway we decided to take a chance and carried on forward and after about half an hour or so..saw the ferry service..and thats when i heaved a sigh of relief.Checked the car where i had banged it and saw that it was only a small dent/ scratch and anyway the car had been fully insured while we took it for rent.And so ultimately all was well. Stopped the engine as we were the 22 in the queue and at a time the ferry took only 18 cars max. The other 3 had ice-creams while i had a hamburger. Then i handed over the car to Srijith. The driving thru the country side with so much concentration had taken its toll on me.
Srijith took over. We got into the ferry and got off at the other side..and continued our ride for another 2.5 hours into EDinburgh. Reached Edinburgh by around 10:15 pm in the night. was dead tired by then.
Vinay had cooked dinner for us (me, basu n srijith). We had that . Even Parveen, Srijith's room mate had come back from Punjab that evening. So all of us got together at our place..talked for sometime, had tea and finally around 12:00 midnight, crashed onto the bed after a very eventful weekend.
ps. Check out the snaps.
(forewarning: - Clarity not that good for many of them)
anyway we got ready by arnd 7:45 and by 8:00 we were on our way. From the moment we started from the travel lodge, it was raining heavily and the winds were strong. We thought by the time we reach Blackpool it would be better. But it was not to be. We reached Blackpool in less than an hour. And in a way it turned out to be a big flop going to this place on this day. It was as if everything was jinxed.
It was raining so badly and so cold that the very idea of going to Pleasure Beach was ruled out. We decided to go to the famous Blackpool Tower and go on the "Walk of Faith". This is nothing but at the top of the tower you have an area where the flooring is completely glass. And there is a precaution board saying, that it might break if you walk on it. Standing on this glass, all you can see is the 30 floors below floor. That is creepy and this is in an open area. Now as luck would have it, coz of the rain, they decided to restrict the entry into this. They said the glass was all wet n slippery and it was dangerous to go on "Walk of Faith" under such weather conditions.This dampened our spirits completely. It was not worth giving £12 entry fees and not being able to go to the top of the tower. there was a ball room and circus and so many other entertainment within the tower area but then we were in no mood for that. so ditched that. Now we were stranded in Blackpool with one whole day in hand and nothing to do coz of the weather.
What could be more irritating. We looked across the road and saw the stranded beach which otherwise in this supposed summer was to be filled with birds that were semi-clad or whatever. And instead what was inviting us was a dull stranded beach with not even a real bird in the vicinity. ( Later on i came to know that this area was also famous for its Sandstorm and we were lucky not to have got caught in that). Anyway we just walked around trying to find a shelter from the rain n wind. We saw this huge Casino by the name "The Buccaneer Family Bar". We decided to enter into it promising each other, we would not gamble or do anything of the sorts. Just walk around, see what is happening and once the rains stopped their beat, we would go somewhere. But we didnt know the surprise that was held for us. This was not the Casino which i had expected where big gambles are made. This was a proper fun area with lot of sega games and small gambling for 1 penny, 10 pence, 50 pence we started playing the of the games was dropping in 10 pence into a slot. And if the coin dropped at the right spot,there was this metal plate which would give ti a slight push which in turn would push the hazaars which were kept at the edge of the collection point. But try as much we could not get the coin to be pushed. So then we quit that game and walked around checking out stuff
Th next game we played was dropping in 50 pence and manouvering a metallic claw to pick up a teddy bear or something of the sorts from a box. By the time we had figured out how to do it efficiently, we had already spend abt £2 pounds on it. Cursing our luck and our day we ambled along and saw the next game - Camel race.
This game had about 15 toy camels lined, reaedy to race. And each person was alloted one camel. He was given 3 balls and he had to roll the ball into holes which was a t a distance and each hole was for a specific distance and depending on the hole in which the ball fell, the camel would move the appropriate distance.
Basu started off on this game. He played 2 rounds and in first round he almost came close to winning it. and ended up being 2nd in the race. Then Srijith played one round and he wa nowhere near winning.Next Srijith n myself played one round (mind you...there were 13 other ppl also playing along with us) and both of us did a poor show. Basu then coaxed me into playing one final round before we left the place. And i agreed. I played smooth and we won. I didnt even realise we had won until the guy came up and asked me which stuffed toy i wanted. I told him to give me "Hobbes" of the Calvin n Hobbes series. Relishing the victory we decided to stick on for some more time in there. Next we thought we would let Sapna play who was so far an enthusiastic supporter only. We came to this game of hitting the dinosaur that popped out with a hammer. She played that game thrice followed by Basu who played it once and in return we got 10 ticket points for which we got a "Skateboard key chain". Happy with our gifts, we got out and decided to munch on something since it was already half past 12. We entered into Mcdonalds. Srijith had some mini chocolate stuff and Sapna had veg. burger. I had a Big Mac Meal while the best of the lot was what Basu had - Big Chicken green ranch salad with dressing. It tasted yummy. Poor basu hardly got anything since the remaining 3 of us plunged into it as well.
After that we walked around Blackpool city center, checking out the place. We went to this "chor bazaar" likes in Blackpool where for a fleeting moment , i felt as if i was back in India. Anyway having roamed arnd plenty, we decided to hit it back and weather was also getting a bit better. Went to the tower once again to see if they had reopened the walk of faith. But all in vain. We got back into the car and drove along back to M6. At junction 44 we took a deviation to go to Coniston waters.
Thats when i took over the driving again. Initially it was a pleasant and smooth ride but as we went further n further into the country side, the roads were getting so narrow and for the first time i thanked Srijith for taking a small car which could fit in these roads more comfortably than any other cars.
We decided to go through Hawkshead hill and this road was a mighty climb- actually reminded me of the roads leading to Ooty. hawkshead Hill is famous especially fro having inspired one of the greats in poetry - William Wordsworth. Anyway we just kept going n going and suddenly came across a steep climb and i was in the 3rd gear (yet again) and i shifted to 2nd..and voila, the car stopped on upward slope. There were cars coming in from behind and Basu waved all of them to carry on past us. The problem was this was an upward slope and a curve. You can imagine my situation as the driver. It was such a fix where i could not even pass on the wheels to Srijith or Basu. If ever we were to get out of there, it had to be courtesy me then. And after so much valiant efforts, finally i managed to get out of that fix. really got workedup at that point. Luckily none Honked at me. that was the only relief i had. We then stopped at coniston waters. Sapna n Basu played in the waters for sometime...while i went on clicking and Srijith taking a break:-)
And after about having spent half an hour there, we continued.At a particular curve, suddenly the road narrowed further and there was another car coming in the opposite direction and i banged the left side of the car onto the rocks on the left side. I thought i had screwed up the car completely.But however , we were in a position not to stop the car anywhere...and so continued driving. Reached this place called Far Sawrey and realised that we were reaching a dead end and we had to take ferry service to get across the lake. Now we were all puzzled. Coz from a distance, it didnt look like there ever existed a ferry service and the very thought of having to drive back all the way we had come was extremely taunting. Anyway we decided to take a chance and carried on forward and after about half an hour or so..saw the ferry service..and thats when i heaved a sigh of relief.Checked the car where i had banged it and saw that it was only a small dent/ scratch and anyway the car had been fully insured while we took it for rent.And so ultimately all was well. Stopped the engine as we were the 22 in the queue and at a time the ferry took only 18 cars max. The other 3 had ice-creams while i had a hamburger. Then i handed over the car to Srijith. The driving thru the country side with so much concentration had taken its toll on me.
Srijith took over. We got into the ferry and got off at the other side..and continued our ride for another 2.5 hours into EDinburgh. Reached Edinburgh by around 10:15 pm in the night. was dead tired by then.
Vinay had cooked dinner for us (me, basu n srijith). We had that . Even Parveen, Srijith's room mate had come back from Punjab that evening. So all of us got together at our place..talked for sometime, had tea and finally around 12:00 midnight, crashed onto the bed after a very eventful weekend.
ps. Check out the snaps.
(forewarning: - Clarity not that good for many of them)
Mavelikara (Allepey District)
Grand Dad - Idiculla Oommen (called Appai by all) - was in Excise (Customs)
Grand Mom - Lily Elizabeth Oommen (lillykutty) - My GOD mother
Eldest son - Joji Oommen in glasgow- scotland - Dr. in British Army - Anaesthist
wife - Ruby Oommen - Dr. Ophthamology
Daughter - Swapna Elizabeth Oommen - Dr. - married to a scot guy Dr.David (orthopaedics). Swapna is expecting this october - 4 yrs elder to us
Son - Sarin George Oommen - major rugby player - finally decided to go in the lines of his family - doing 2nd yr medicine in Dundee now
Second Son - My dad - Mathew Oommen (Shaji) - born on June 5 1951 - Electrical Engineer from REC, Calicut.
wife - Aleyamma Mathew (Usha) - born on Jan 26 1957 - Msc. BEd. in Zoology
Son - Me:-) . currently in scotland...
Daughter - Remya Elizabeth Mathew - 9th std. M.E.S. indian school - qatar - born on 2nd Dec 1989
Third Son - George Oommen (Reji) - Chemistry Teacher - Now teaching in a school in Ernakulam..not sure of the name.
wife - Shanti George - Chemistry Teacher - now teaching in TIME's entrance/ CAT coaching centre in Ernakulam
Daughter 1 - Asha Elizabeth George - doing final year in ECE - Rajagiri college of Engineering, Ernakulam
Daughter 2 - Sheba George - in 12th Std. now - in Ernakulam
Fourth Son - Alex Oommen (Viji) - Maths Teacher - was in Dubai all this while - now migrating to Canada - my God father
wife - Susan Alex - English/Psychology teacher - born n brought up in Chennai
eldest son - Suvin Alex - finsihed 12th and plannin to continue studies in Canada
2nd son - Sajin Alex - in his 10th std. now..
Punnakadu (Kozhencherry)
Grand Dad - M.T. Varghese ( kunjai) - worked in police force in Malaysia for many years - thats where my mom was born too- then worked in Insurance company in qatar
Grand Mom - Joyamma Varghese
Eldest Daughter - My mom
Second Daughter - Jolly Ninan (Jollymummy)- in Saudi - house wife - B.Com -she considers me as her son.
Husband - Ninan Mathew ( Babu) - from Kaviyoor, Tiruvalla. - Computer Engineer in Saudi. They reside in Damam
Third Son - Thomas Varghese (Shaji) - in Lonavala, Pune - Mechanical Engineer - Asst. Manager in a Nuts n Bolts company;-) (the coolest uncle of the lots)
Wife - Julie Thomas - Maths - house wife
Eldest son - Deepak Thomas - now in 12th in Don Bosco - the smartest kid in the family so far in terms of GK.
2nd son - Dilip Thomas - now in 9th std in Don Bosco - the second most naughtiest and wildest and loving of the lot
Fourth son - Abraham Varghese (Shibu) - in Kozhencherry - Dentist - MDS.- worked in Saudi for 3 playmate when i was the only grandson in the family and very attached to him too.
wife - Elizabeth Abraham (Elsyammai) - from Kurianoor basically - Dentist - fav ammai. more of a friend than ammai. very simple and naive. born n brought up in KUWAIT . Her parents were in kuwait for a long time. dad passed away recently.
Eldest Daughhter - Reshma - now in 5th std., i think..the biggest tongue in the house...non-stop talkin till she sleeps...
Second son - Rayan - now in 2nd std. the most naughtiest...and the most fav.cousin.
Third daughter - Raikah - a sweet little baby, now about 2.5 yrs old.
Thats my family - paternal n maternal:-)pretty BIG i guess:-)
Grand Dad - Idiculla Oommen (called Appai by all) - was in Excise (Customs)
Grand Mom - Lily Elizabeth Oommen (lillykutty) - My GOD mother
Eldest son - Joji Oommen in glasgow- scotland - Dr. in British Army - Anaesthist
wife - Ruby Oommen - Dr. Ophthamology
Daughter - Swapna Elizabeth Oommen - Dr. - married to a scot guy Dr.David (orthopaedics). Swapna is expecting this october - 4 yrs elder to us
Son - Sarin George Oommen - major rugby player - finally decided to go in the lines of his family - doing 2nd yr medicine in Dundee now
Second Son - My dad - Mathew Oommen (Shaji) - born on June 5 1951 - Electrical Engineer from REC, Calicut.
wife - Aleyamma Mathew (Usha) - born on Jan 26 1957 - Msc. BEd. in Zoology
Son - Me:-) . currently in scotland...
Daughter - Remya Elizabeth Mathew - 9th std. M.E.S. indian school - qatar - born on 2nd Dec 1989
Third Son - George Oommen (Reji) - Chemistry Teacher - Now teaching in a school in Ernakulam..not sure of the name.
wife - Shanti George - Chemistry Teacher - now teaching in TIME's entrance/ CAT coaching centre in Ernakulam
Daughter 1 - Asha Elizabeth George - doing final year in ECE - Rajagiri college of Engineering, Ernakulam
Daughter 2 - Sheba George - in 12th Std. now - in Ernakulam
Fourth Son - Alex Oommen (Viji) - Maths Teacher - was in Dubai all this while - now migrating to Canada - my God father
wife - Susan Alex - English/Psychology teacher - born n brought up in Chennai
eldest son - Suvin Alex - finsihed 12th and plannin to continue studies in Canada
2nd son - Sajin Alex - in his 10th std. now..
Punnakadu (Kozhencherry)
Grand Dad - M.T. Varghese ( kunjai) - worked in police force in Malaysia for many years - thats where my mom was born too- then worked in Insurance company in qatar
Grand Mom - Joyamma Varghese
Eldest Daughter - My mom
Second Daughter - Jolly Ninan (Jollymummy)- in Saudi - house wife - B.Com -she considers me as her son.
Husband - Ninan Mathew ( Babu) - from Kaviyoor, Tiruvalla. - Computer Engineer in Saudi. They reside in Damam
Third Son - Thomas Varghese (Shaji) - in Lonavala, Pune - Mechanical Engineer - Asst. Manager in a Nuts n Bolts company;-) (the coolest uncle of the lots)
Wife - Julie Thomas - Maths - house wife
Eldest son - Deepak Thomas - now in 12th in Don Bosco - the smartest kid in the family so far in terms of GK.
2nd son - Dilip Thomas - now in 9th std in Don Bosco - the second most naughtiest and wildest and loving of the lot
Fourth son - Abraham Varghese (Shibu) - in Kozhencherry - Dentist - MDS.- worked in Saudi for 3 playmate when i was the only grandson in the family and very attached to him too.
wife - Elizabeth Abraham (Elsyammai) - from Kurianoor basically - Dentist - fav ammai. more of a friend than ammai. very simple and naive. born n brought up in KUWAIT . Her parents were in kuwait for a long time. dad passed away recently.
Eldest Daughhter - Reshma - now in 5th std., i think..the biggest tongue in the house...non-stop talkin till she sleeps...
Second son - Rayan - now in 2nd std. the most naughtiest...and the most fav.cousin.
Third daughter - Raikah - a sweet little baby, now about 2.5 yrs old.
Thats my family - paternal n maternal:-)pretty BIG i guess:-)
Monday, July 26, 2004
Me, myself n Vineesh
During this last weekend, when I was staying over at Travel lodge next to M6, there was this electronic thingy which would measure m,y blood pressure, weight and height for £1. And I decided to test my height and weight once n for all. and the results:
Weight : 87.3 Kgs (13st 101lbs)
Height : 174 cm ( 5'8")
Blood Pressure:
Maximum Systolic : 121 mm Hg
Minimum Diastolic : 74 mm Hg
Pulse per minute : 65
Atmospheric pressure: 768 mm Hg
BMI (Body to Mass Index = Weight/ [Height*Height]) = 28.8
Expected Results:
Weight : 60.6 kg - 75.4 kg
Blood Pressure:
Maximum Systolic : 140 mm Hg
Minimum Diastolic : 90 mm Hg
Pulse per minute : 72
BMI => I am Overweight (by an index of 3.9)
Weight => I am Overweight ( by about 11.9 kgs)
Blood Pressure => Low BP? or is it ok (Any doctor or knowledgeable person lemme know)
Pulse / min => Obviously low. Guess I am way too cool with no worries or tensions in life.
a perfectly plump yo dude!!!;-)
Weight : 87.3 Kgs (13st 101lbs)
Height : 174 cm ( 5'8")
Blood Pressure:
Maximum Systolic : 121 mm Hg
Minimum Diastolic : 74 mm Hg
Pulse per minute : 65
Atmospheric pressure: 768 mm Hg
BMI (Body to Mass Index = Weight/ [Height*Height]) = 28.8
Expected Results:
Weight : 60.6 kg - 75.4 kg
Blood Pressure:
Maximum Systolic : 140 mm Hg
Minimum Diastolic : 90 mm Hg
Pulse per minute : 72
BMI => I am Overweight (by an index of 3.9)
Weight => I am Overweight ( by about 11.9 kgs)
Blood Pressure => Low BP? or is it ok (Any doctor or knowledgeable person lemme know)
Pulse / min => Obviously low. Guess I am way too cool with no worries or tensions in life.
a perfectly plump yo dude!!!;-)
Road Trip II - Day one
Well we had another one of those road trips this weekend.This time to Lake district and Blackpool.
Had had plans to wake up at 5 on Saturday morning and leave by 6:00 but things got delayed by an hour...and we started from Edinburgh at 7 after having picked up Sapna(colleague of mine)from her home. This time again, it was only 4 of us - Myself, Srijith, Basu and Sapna. Vinay(who was there in our last road trip) could not join us as he was oncall for the weekend. So the poor guy had to stay back in edinburgh all alone. Felt bad for him. but then could not help it.
We started out from Edinburgh. Got into one of the "A" roads (similar to state highways in India). Srijith was driving the car. This time we had a Ford Fiesta - Black colour. Thought we would get a sedan but it was out of stock. anyway the start of a journey is always bright. The first stop we had was in a nearby petrol bunk. We had to fill in diesel. Basu got us all some breakfast from the services shop next to the bunk . Anyway then we continued our journey. We went via the place called Galashiels. There was nothing much to see there and so we continued on our journey and next stop point was Silkirk. We had not actually planned to stop there..but after a while we realised that we were going round n round in Silkirk and could not get out of the place. We were supposed to go to this place called Hawick (pronouced Hoik) and we were following the boards but somewhere some cranky guy had taken off one of the boards and we were going in circles.So finally we stopped the car, asked a couple of guys and they were not able to explain to us the way. Then we (the guys )felt nature's call and amazingly there was a "pay n pee" toilet:-) After relieving ourselves from such mundane tensions;-) We entered a bakery to gran on couple of muffins and the old granny there showed us our way out of Silkirk and into Hawick. We continued on the drive. In the car we were listening to CD's like "Bagpiper yaaron ka yaar", RDX-II, War of the DJ's etc etc..all remix versions of good lovely oldies. We then entered into M6 (England's longest motorway; similar to National highways)
and basu took over the car. His dream/ aim was to touch 100 miles per hour. Basu tried putting itpast 95 initially and the speedometer was not budging and we assumed since the car was small..that was the max speed it would then suddenly, i saw that we had crossed 100 mph and the happiness on his face was something to be seen. Then he was changing lanes and at the speed he was going we almost went and kissed another cars' butt. and that psyched him out of his wits. And he parked in the next available parking zone and handed over the wheel to me. Continued on the drive via Carlisle and into Penrith (courtesy me).At a particular point instead of driving into Kendal and into Lake district , i had taken a wrong turn and voila we were in the town of Penrith and not knowing where to go. and we were looking arnd and going slowly and i was in 3rd gear that car suddenly jumped n stopped (coz of the low speed obviously). and there were a fleet of cars behind us. The guys behind Honked (that the sybolic way of yellin here else Horns are rarely used in Britain, i guess. Only if you want to yell/abuse someone for wrong driving or delayin unnecessarily, will you honk at them). Anyway then me started the car and drove into a parking lot. I didnt find the drive that very comfortable. Somehow within city limits. just could not enjoy it.Srijith took over then There was nothing much to see or enjoy here other than for the drive part and picturesque beauty around. Once we got past Kendal we entered into Lake District. Our first stop was at RYdal n Grashmere lakes. These lakes are monitored by the Lake District National park authority. We got out from the car and walked a bit into the woods and then climbed a hill to see the view of the whole lake. There were a lot of ppl trekking n biking over there. took a lot of between Basu climebed a tree..rather i propelled him onto it and i tried hanging from there and woof...i scratched my stomach in the process and Basu got stuck for some few moments on top. He could not jump down since it was a slope onto which he would have had to jump and there was risk of slippin n getting hurt. Anyway somehow he managed to get down. and we got back into the car and drove along. We reached this place Ambleside. We had planned to climb a hill which is abt 500 mts in vertical height but then we decided against it. since that would have taken abt an hour or 2 and all of us wanted to go on a cruise. So next stop was Ambleside where we paid £15 each to go on the Windermere lake Cruise.
This windermere lake is England's largest fresh water lake. We got on the cruise and the journey was for an hour or so..we went to the upper deck and then came to the front end of the boat. For a moment ,had this mind to stand on the railings (i dont know what the exact term is) and stretchj out my arms (the TITANIC way without my kate winselet) but then there were lot of tourists on board and the captains room was just overlookin to the front end. and i somehow didnt want the whole junta to be laughin at me for this;) anyway the cruise first stopped at this place called Bowness for abt 15 min where few got off and few other got in. Once Bowness was past, we went to the lower deck and it was splendid. This was the bar/ refreshments room of the ship and from the window we could see the water as if we were in water with just th head bobbing out....anyway finally reached Windermere. Here was a large underwatter tunnel aquarium. Went into it...amazing it was. you could see all sorts of fish big n small going all around you and at times felt like just holding them. then there was a asmall pond within the aquarium and there we saw the RAY fish. As in there were lots but there was one which was active and whenever it saw anyone taking a used to come half out of water and pose itself in front of the camer (it was not actually posing..but then u know how my imagination just goes)...tried getting a snap of its face but then just could not get it to pose long enough;-)
there was a gift shop there from which myself,basu and sapna picked up a few souveniers. Then we waited for the return boat. The return cruise took us to Broughness and from there we ahd to take another cruise back to Ambleside. Once in Ambleside Srijith took over the wheels and drove thru M6 to the travel lodge in Lancaster. The Lodge was too good..We 3 guys were put up in one room and Sapna in another room!! And to top it all there were all possible restaurants like Burger King, Little Chef, Mcdonalds, KFC etc..etc..and boy I had a dinner of XL DOUBLE Whopper meal from Burger King. yuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm........
After din,we all sat and talked till about 11:30 pm on one of the park benches generally talking abt sticking to one company and being loyal to your company FOREVER (sapna's view) while we argued that for our personal growth in career we needed to shift jobs if required and not stick on. anyway the discussions were getting heated up and things slowly started getting personal so then we wound up for the day and hit the sack ..hmmm...thats day 1!!
will be uploading the snaps tonight and you can check it out on Day 2 blog which i will be putting up today sometime later or tomo sometime...till then
Had had plans to wake up at 5 on Saturday morning and leave by 6:00 but things got delayed by an hour...and we started from Edinburgh at 7 after having picked up Sapna(colleague of mine)from her home. This time again, it was only 4 of us - Myself, Srijith, Basu and Sapna. Vinay(who was there in our last road trip) could not join us as he was oncall for the weekend. So the poor guy had to stay back in edinburgh all alone. Felt bad for him. but then could not help it.
We started out from Edinburgh. Got into one of the "A" roads (similar to state highways in India). Srijith was driving the car. This time we had a Ford Fiesta - Black colour. Thought we would get a sedan but it was out of stock. anyway the start of a journey is always bright. The first stop we had was in a nearby petrol bunk. We had to fill in diesel. Basu got us all some breakfast from the services shop next to the bunk . Anyway then we continued our journey. We went via the place called Galashiels. There was nothing much to see there and so we continued on our journey and next stop point was Silkirk. We had not actually planned to stop there..but after a while we realised that we were going round n round in Silkirk and could not get out of the place. We were supposed to go to this place called Hawick (pronouced Hoik) and we were following the boards but somewhere some cranky guy had taken off one of the boards and we were going in circles.So finally we stopped the car, asked a couple of guys and they were not able to explain to us the way. Then we (the guys )felt nature's call and amazingly there was a "pay n pee" toilet:-) After relieving ourselves from such mundane tensions;-) We entered a bakery to gran on couple of muffins and the old granny there showed us our way out of Silkirk and into Hawick. We continued on the drive. In the car we were listening to CD's like "Bagpiper yaaron ka yaar", RDX-II, War of the DJ's etc etc..all remix versions of good lovely oldies. We then entered into M6 (England's longest motorway; similar to National highways)

and basu took over the car. His dream/ aim was to touch 100 miles per hour. Basu tried putting itpast 95 initially and the speedometer was not budging and we assumed since the car was small..that was the max speed it would then suddenly, i saw that we had crossed 100 mph and the happiness on his face was something to be seen. Then he was changing lanes and at the speed he was going we almost went and kissed another cars' butt. and that psyched him out of his wits. And he parked in the next available parking zone and handed over the wheel to me. Continued on the drive via Carlisle and into Penrith (courtesy me).At a particular point instead of driving into Kendal and into Lake district , i had taken a wrong turn and voila we were in the town of Penrith and not knowing where to go. and we were looking arnd and going slowly and i was in 3rd gear that car suddenly jumped n stopped (coz of the low speed obviously). and there were a fleet of cars behind us. The guys behind Honked (that the sybolic way of yellin here else Horns are rarely used in Britain, i guess. Only if you want to yell/abuse someone for wrong driving or delayin unnecessarily, will you honk at them). Anyway then me started the car and drove into a parking lot. I didnt find the drive that very comfortable. Somehow within city limits. just could not enjoy it.Srijith took over then There was nothing much to see or enjoy here other than for the drive part and picturesque beauty around. Once we got past Kendal we entered into Lake District. Our first stop was at RYdal n Grashmere lakes. These lakes are monitored by the Lake District National park authority. We got out from the car and walked a bit into the woods and then climbed a hill to see the view of the whole lake. There were a lot of ppl trekking n biking over there. took a lot of between Basu climebed a tree..rather i propelled him onto it and i tried hanging from there and woof...i scratched my stomach in the process and Basu got stuck for some few moments on top. He could not jump down since it was a slope onto which he would have had to jump and there was risk of slippin n getting hurt. Anyway somehow he managed to get down. and we got back into the car and drove along. We reached this place Ambleside. We had planned to climb a hill which is abt 500 mts in vertical height but then we decided against it. since that would have taken abt an hour or 2 and all of us wanted to go on a cruise. So next stop was Ambleside where we paid £15 each to go on the Windermere lake Cruise.
This windermere lake is England's largest fresh water lake. We got on the cruise and the journey was for an hour or so..we went to the upper deck and then came to the front end of the boat. For a moment ,had this mind to stand on the railings (i dont know what the exact term is) and stretchj out my arms (the TITANIC way without my kate winselet) but then there were lot of tourists on board and the captains room was just overlookin to the front end. and i somehow didnt want the whole junta to be laughin at me for this;) anyway the cruise first stopped at this place called Bowness for abt 15 min where few got off and few other got in. Once Bowness was past, we went to the lower deck and it was splendid. This was the bar/ refreshments room of the ship and from the window we could see the water as if we were in water with just th head bobbing out....anyway finally reached Windermere. Here was a large underwatter tunnel aquarium. Went into it...amazing it was. you could see all sorts of fish big n small going all around you and at times felt like just holding them. then there was a asmall pond within the aquarium and there we saw the RAY fish. As in there were lots but there was one which was active and whenever it saw anyone taking a used to come half out of water and pose itself in front of the camer (it was not actually posing..but then u know how my imagination just goes)...tried getting a snap of its face but then just could not get it to pose long enough;-)
there was a gift shop there from which myself,basu and sapna picked up a few souveniers. Then we waited for the return boat. The return cruise took us to Broughness and from there we ahd to take another cruise back to Ambleside. Once in Ambleside Srijith took over the wheels and drove thru M6 to the travel lodge in Lancaster. The Lodge was too good..We 3 guys were put up in one room and Sapna in another room!! And to top it all there were all possible restaurants like Burger King, Little Chef, Mcdonalds, KFC etc..etc..and boy I had a dinner of XL DOUBLE Whopper meal from Burger King. yuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm........
After din,we all sat and talked till about 11:30 pm on one of the park benches generally talking abt sticking to one company and being loyal to your company FOREVER (sapna's view) while we argued that for our personal growth in career we needed to shift jobs if required and not stick on. anyway the discussions were getting heated up and things slowly started getting personal so then we wound up for the day and hit the sack ..hmmm...thats day 1!!
will be uploading the snaps tonight and you can check it out on Day 2 blog which i will be putting up today sometime later or tomo sometime...till then
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Thought for today
Only twice in your life do they pronounce you:
The first is Man and Wife
(Dennis Hopper and his wife Victoria Duffy, April 12,1996)
Second is Dead
The first is Man and Wife

(Dennis Hopper and his wife Victoria Duffy, April 12,1996)
Second is Dead
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Life (Re)Cycle!!
I am bored with life...there is nothing exciting happening at all.What exactly is the definition of exciting? is it the presence of a really challenging job or is it something like your work environment is located in a jungle and you have to get through all the peril to get to your cubicle??
well frankly speaking i dont mind either of the choices...the second would be physically exciting though..and much more challenging. Imagine riding on crocodiles to get across the river, playing with lion cubs, wrestling with a bear all on your way to work and way back from work and to top it all you would be fit n trim:-) (personally would get of this excess fat)...and if it is the former, then it would wake up my completely dormant brain.
Wish I was a some paper or plastic at times..which could be recycled and start life all over again...atleast the first 21 yrs of my life (till my college ended) can be classified as exciting for sure - what with all the fights, romance (mind you- no running arnd trees like in bollywood), flirting ,how could you say life was dull then...each day presented a new challenge of some kind. The only time it was dull was when exam set in...but then again i found a challenge there...staying up the whole night and cramming and understanding stuff for the first time in a semester for the particular subject...what could be more challenging and in this case it was a fight against time....wonder what i would have been if ever i studied like that the whole semester...class topper...??hmmm..intersting thought..but no regrets so far..absolutely not..!!I am happy the way things went for me in college especially..!and one thing i am really proud of is...that i scraped thru (right word) all the semesters without getting a suplee ever..!!(a pat on my own back for the same;-)) Anyway all thats over...................sheesh...really dont mind going back in time just for enjoying those 4 glorious years specially.............................
This weekend planning to hire car again and go on another road trip to
Lake District
Nothing finalised yet. But planning still going on.......

well frankly speaking i dont mind either of the choices...the second would be physically exciting though..and much more challenging. Imagine riding on crocodiles to get across the river, playing with lion cubs, wrestling with a bear all on your way to work and way back from work and to top it all you would be fit n trim:-) (personally would get of this excess fat)...and if it is the former, then it would wake up my completely dormant brain.
Wish I was a some paper or plastic at times..which could be recycled and start life all over again...atleast the first 21 yrs of my life (till my college ended) can be classified as exciting for sure - what with all the fights, romance (mind you- no running arnd trees like in bollywood), flirting ,how could you say life was dull then...each day presented a new challenge of some kind. The only time it was dull was when exam set in...but then again i found a challenge there...staying up the whole night and cramming and understanding stuff for the first time in a semester for the particular subject...what could be more challenging and in this case it was a fight against time....wonder what i would have been if ever i studied like that the whole semester...class topper...??hmmm..intersting thought..but no regrets so far..absolutely not..!!I am happy the way things went for me in college especially..!and one thing i am really proud of is...that i scraped thru (right word) all the semesters without getting a suplee ever..!!(a pat on my own back for the same;-)) Anyway all thats over...................sheesh...really dont mind going back in time just for enjoying those 4 glorious years specially.............................
This weekend planning to hire car again and go on another road trip to
Lake District
Nothing finalised yet. But planning still going on.......
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Its so funny. The way fate plays it games...sometime real dirty. At times you are so close to achieving a goal that you even have anticipatory celebrations but then "sudden twist of fate" and you are embarassed beyond are disgraced!!you feel like jumping out of the window not knowing what to do. After all the blood n sweat that was shed to achieve the target, now you lie down there thinking what went wrong. Y could not things just be the way it was and had been going on all this while....there are no answers...none to help you!! In this evil world you are all alone when you take the brunt.
I still remember this vivid incident way back in 1991, somewhere in November. I was in the 6th Std. and it was the Annual Sports Day in my school . Since the day i had seen one of my cousin sisters get the individual championship cup , that had become my dream - To hold that cup some day (to this day i have not been able to achieve that). And in my child mind, as always, i thought then that this was the year i had the biggest chance to become the individual champion. I was all excited and had practiced sprints n jumps for almost a month in Doha Corniche tugging my dad along with me every night to record my timings for the sprint and to measure my jumps.
And boy finally the D-day arrived. Annual sports meet 1991-1992. I was all set. Clad in Yellow shorts and t-shirt i went to school all ready to lift the cup of my dreams.
(I was in the yellow house. The entire school was divided into 4 colours - red, blue, green, yellow). I had reached school pretty early and few of my class mates had also arrived. We decided to practice before the actual events kicked off...and we did small sprints. And i was very elated coz in all these practice sessions i was emerging the winner with the best time and best joy knew no bounds...!!I already started dreaming of the final function when i would be handed the cup.
The bell rang for the school assembly and while the students were gathering for the assembly, me and a couple of my friends decided to do one last practice before everythin commenced.
We got ready at the start line and swoosh...we ran and my leg got tangled with another friend of mine "Syed jaffer"..and i fell on the cemented floor..BAM!!my hand was smarting in pain...and my friends came running around to seeif i was ok!!I stood up bravely just shunnin them away sayin nothin could go wrong with me..!!I was not going to loose that cup of mine for anything in this world.
The events started. The first was the 100 meters dash qualifiers, i made it thru till the semifinals. Then was the 200 meters for which i had made it thru till the final. For long jump, though weighing nearly 50 kilos(over weight for a 6std. guy), my efforts did not go in vain. I got a bronze medal for the same.
I knew I was nearing my goal. all i had to get was probably a gold each in 100 mts and 200 mts and probably a silver for the 800 meters which was my last event. Any student was allowed to participate only in 4 individual events of which not more than 3 could belong to a particular category (so i had 3 track and 1 jump event).
My hand was writhing in pain all the while. I kept quiet. I could not make a fuss of the pain and get myself out of the race when i saw my chances of gettin the cup were very bright.
The 800mts was my last event. The finals of the 100 mts and semi n finals of the 200 mts was scheduled for the next day. I realised getting a silver in the 800 would vey well guarantee the cup. The race started. I completed one circle round the track(400 mts) comfortably. i was in the third or forth position and i had plans of accelerating in the last 100 mts or so...and i was nearing the last 100 hand was beginning to pain real bad...and the heat (somewhere round 30 degrees) was almost getting into vision blurred...but i was not to give up...i needed that cup..i could not give up after comin so far...i kept running...and in the last 50 meters or so...i collapsed on the track...i fainted........................
Afte 5 min, i felt sprinkles of water on my face. Rubbin my eyes, wrist paining real bad, i got up and from the corner of my eyes i saw the medals being given away for the 800 metres and i knew i had lost it...i started crying. my mom( who is the vice-priniciapl of my school) was next to me and thought that i was cryin in pain. and i looked at my left hand and saw that there was a huge swell on my wrist..i was sent to the hospital in the school bus by my mom and by the time i reached hospital , dad had also reached the hospital.
The doctor took an x-ray and checked. I had Goddamned fractured my wrist. It was just a small crack butt due to lack of giving attention at the right time and having lifted weights and did long jump too , the fracture had become worse.
I got my first dose of scolding from the doctor for not coming to the hospital straight away. (who in the world would have thought that such a normal fall would result in a fracture...if i listened to his words...i would have been in hospital everyday every hour of my school life..i guess;-))
And then i got the second dose of scolding from my dad for trying to act smart. He even asked me if i was Carl Lewis or not...
I had no answer.......Maybe not Carl Lewis but then , upto even this day I maintain that I could have been the Individual Champion for the Sub-junior category in 1991 in my school...........and who knows how my fate would have been then.......
I still remember this vivid incident way back in 1991, somewhere in November. I was in the 6th Std. and it was the Annual Sports Day in my school . Since the day i had seen one of my cousin sisters get the individual championship cup , that had become my dream - To hold that cup some day (to this day i have not been able to achieve that). And in my child mind, as always, i thought then that this was the year i had the biggest chance to become the individual champion. I was all excited and had practiced sprints n jumps for almost a month in Doha Corniche tugging my dad along with me every night to record my timings for the sprint and to measure my jumps.
And boy finally the D-day arrived. Annual sports meet 1991-1992. I was all set. Clad in Yellow shorts and t-shirt i went to school all ready to lift the cup of my dreams.
(I was in the yellow house. The entire school was divided into 4 colours - red, blue, green, yellow). I had reached school pretty early and few of my class mates had also arrived. We decided to practice before the actual events kicked off...and we did small sprints. And i was very elated coz in all these practice sessions i was emerging the winner with the best time and best joy knew no bounds...!!I already started dreaming of the final function when i would be handed the cup.
The bell rang for the school assembly and while the students were gathering for the assembly, me and a couple of my friends decided to do one last practice before everythin commenced.
We got ready at the start line and swoosh...we ran and my leg got tangled with another friend of mine "Syed jaffer"..and i fell on the cemented floor..BAM!!my hand was smarting in pain...and my friends came running around to seeif i was ok!!I stood up bravely just shunnin them away sayin nothin could go wrong with me..!!I was not going to loose that cup of mine for anything in this world.
The events started. The first was the 100 meters dash qualifiers, i made it thru till the semifinals. Then was the 200 meters for which i had made it thru till the final. For long jump, though weighing nearly 50 kilos(over weight for a 6std. guy), my efforts did not go in vain. I got a bronze medal for the same.
I knew I was nearing my goal. all i had to get was probably a gold each in 100 mts and 200 mts and probably a silver for the 800 meters which was my last event. Any student was allowed to participate only in 4 individual events of which not more than 3 could belong to a particular category (so i had 3 track and 1 jump event).
My hand was writhing in pain all the while. I kept quiet. I could not make a fuss of the pain and get myself out of the race when i saw my chances of gettin the cup were very bright.
The 800mts was my last event. The finals of the 100 mts and semi n finals of the 200 mts was scheduled for the next day. I realised getting a silver in the 800 would vey well guarantee the cup. The race started. I completed one circle round the track(400 mts) comfortably. i was in the third or forth position and i had plans of accelerating in the last 100 mts or so...and i was nearing the last 100 hand was beginning to pain real bad...and the heat (somewhere round 30 degrees) was almost getting into vision blurred...but i was not to give up...i needed that cup..i could not give up after comin so far...i kept running...and in the last 50 meters or so...i collapsed on the track...i fainted........................
Afte 5 min, i felt sprinkles of water on my face. Rubbin my eyes, wrist paining real bad, i got up and from the corner of my eyes i saw the medals being given away for the 800 metres and i knew i had lost it...i started crying. my mom( who is the vice-priniciapl of my school) was next to me and thought that i was cryin in pain. and i looked at my left hand and saw that there was a huge swell on my wrist..i was sent to the hospital in the school bus by my mom and by the time i reached hospital , dad had also reached the hospital.
The doctor took an x-ray and checked. I had Goddamned fractured my wrist. It was just a small crack butt due to lack of giving attention at the right time and having lifted weights and did long jump too , the fracture had become worse.
I got my first dose of scolding from the doctor for not coming to the hospital straight away. (who in the world would have thought that such a normal fall would result in a fracture...if i listened to his words...i would have been in hospital everyday every hour of my school life..i guess;-))
And then i got the second dose of scolding from my dad for trying to act smart. He even asked me if i was Carl Lewis or not...

I had no answer.......Maybe not Carl Lewis but then , upto even this day I maintain that I could have been the Individual Champion for the Sub-junior category in 1991 in my school...........and who knows how my fate would have been then.......
Its 1 am in the morning and i am still working. Thankfully these guys have given a laptop coz of which i have the luxury of working at home.
Else imagine sitting in the office at such unearthly hours and working your ass out and just today when Kolli had called I was bragging that there was not much work for me to do and i was just whistling away time many a days. Its quite funny the way work proceeds here. At times you are burdened with so much work that you have no time to breathe or think for that matter and at other times you just lie around asking people for work.......and getting bored so much so that you begine to think you are on a paid Holiday here in Edinburgh.....!!
Dammit!!another job failed..........................................
Else imagine sitting in the office at such unearthly hours and working your ass out and just today when Kolli had called I was bragging that there was not much work for me to do and i was just whistling away time many a days. Its quite funny the way work proceeds here. At times you are burdened with so much work that you have no time to breathe or think for that matter and at other times you just lie around asking people for work.......and getting bored so much so that you begine to think you are on a paid Holiday here in Edinburgh.....!!
Dammit!!another job failed..........................................
Monday, July 19, 2004
Found this in Sankar's blog and tried it out.
really time pass stuff and makes sense if you are one of those fans of the FRIENDS series on TV.
I'm Chandler Bing from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by
really time pass stuff and makes sense if you are one of those fans of the FRIENDS series on TV.

I'm Chandler Bing from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by

This past weekend, I had another wonderful experience. I re-lived my childhood once again. At my uncle's place , their very close family friends had come over and these ppl had a kid - Sumi . A 2.5 yr old adorable little baby.
Friday entire evening and Sunday till i left Glasgow, she was with me. a real adorable kid. She had long curly locks reachin upto her waist, big round eyes and her tongue was a mile long...!!the spark struck between us the moment i arrived. she got close to me very fast. Soon we were playing Hide n seek, cats n rats, cooking, takin care of baby, house-house..and all possible games that she was conjuring up in her playful little mind. And i just sync'ed with her and went on. It was an amazing feeling just to see that glimmer in her eyes and the smile and laughter coming from a clean pure heart, just tingles in you and even now i can hear her full..!! We even played Horse and elephant:-)
At a particular moment i felt really bad that i had not been a good brother to my own sister Remya. She was born in 1989, December 2nd when i was almost 9 yrs old. And for me at that point,it was like my kingdom, where i had been supreme king for 8.5 long years...all of a sudden it was being snatched away by this person who had just come into the world. The intial days were filled with rivalry and hatred esp when the entire attention of every other family member..(who upto this point had none else to pamper but me) was turned to her. I just could not tolerate it. There were moments when i used to lock myself up in the room and cry for being ignored, for being thrown out of the lime-light. This was too much of a change for a 9 yr old boy. However as time went by and she started growing up,i started liking her rather loving her. The elder-brother-should-protect-young-sister feeling creeped into me by then. Moreover ihad also grown up by the time and my thoughts had matured(atleast i thought so). I was into my teenage years when she wanted to play with dolls and all the above mentioned games that i have mentioned. And as a teenager, i admonished such games being played anywhere near me. What would my cool friends think about me if they happen to know i play doll, house, elephant, horsaes etc.. with my little sister. And in no way was i ready to compromise on my prestige, status (typical teenager) in front of my friends.And thus though i loved my sister and adored her more than anything / anyone else in the world, I never showed it out. I jst kept al lthese feelings within me and just saw to it that she was ok always and never had to cry courtesy me.
There are times during my teenage years when i have overheard my sis complaining to mom that "ee achachan'u enne ottum ishtam alla...ente kude onnum kalikilla..baaki elavarudeyum achachan'maaru avarude kude kalikumallo" ("this brother of mine does not like me at all...he doesnt play anything with me...everyone else's brothers' play with them")and these were the times when beads of sweat(out of fear tht she will start hating me) used to form a thin necklace of guilt within me........but ispite of all this i never could manage to go down to her level and play with her...
years passed by..and now at times i feel guilty that me as an elder brother might have deprived my little one from happiness which is really unforgiveable.
Our relation improved specially after i joined college-R.E.C.-Trichy and as the saying goes Distance made the heart grow fonder and things became better and atleast upto my satisfaction level, I was being a better and loving brother...and it has been so till date (touch wood)!!!
Friday entire evening and Sunday till i left Glasgow, she was with me. a real adorable kid. She had long curly locks reachin upto her waist, big round eyes and her tongue was a mile long...!!the spark struck between us the moment i arrived. she got close to me very fast. Soon we were playing Hide n seek, cats n rats, cooking, takin care of baby, house-house..and all possible games that she was conjuring up in her playful little mind. And i just sync'ed with her and went on. It was an amazing feeling just to see that glimmer in her eyes and the smile and laughter coming from a clean pure heart, just tingles in you and even now i can hear her full..!! We even played Horse and elephant:-)
At a particular moment i felt really bad that i had not been a good brother to my own sister Remya. She was born in 1989, December 2nd when i was almost 9 yrs old. And for me at that point,it was like my kingdom, where i had been supreme king for 8.5 long years...all of a sudden it was being snatched away by this person who had just come into the world. The intial days were filled with rivalry and hatred esp when the entire attention of every other family member..(who upto this point had none else to pamper but me) was turned to her. I just could not tolerate it. There were moments when i used to lock myself up in the room and cry for being ignored, for being thrown out of the lime-light. This was too much of a change for a 9 yr old boy. However as time went by and she started growing up,i started liking her rather loving her. The elder-brother-should-protect-young-sister feeling creeped into me by then. Moreover ihad also grown up by the time and my thoughts had matured(atleast i thought so). I was into my teenage years when she wanted to play with dolls and all the above mentioned games that i have mentioned. And as a teenager, i admonished such games being played anywhere near me. What would my cool friends think about me if they happen to know i play doll, house, elephant, horsaes etc.. with my little sister. And in no way was i ready to compromise on my prestige, status (typical teenager) in front of my friends.And thus though i loved my sister and adored her more than anything / anyone else in the world, I never showed it out. I jst kept al lthese feelings within me and just saw to it that she was ok always and never had to cry courtesy me.
There are times during my teenage years when i have overheard my sis complaining to mom that "ee achachan'u enne ottum ishtam alla...ente kude onnum kalikilla..baaki elavarudeyum achachan'maaru avarude kude kalikumallo" ("this brother of mine does not like me at all...he doesnt play anything with me...everyone else's brothers' play with them")and these were the times when beads of sweat(out of fear tht she will start hating me) used to form a thin necklace of guilt within me........but ispite of all this i never could manage to go down to her level and play with her...
years passed by..and now at times i feel guilty that me as an elder brother might have deprived my little one from happiness which is really unforgiveable.
Our relation improved specially after i joined college-R.E.C.-Trichy and as the saying goes Distance made the heart grow fonder and things became better and atleast upto my satisfaction level, I was being a better and loving brother...and it has been so till date (touch wood)!!!
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Ooo La la.....
The weekend was good...!!
I went to Glasgow...had a great time in proper you could think of!!
Think about this..a whole 2 -storeyed house to yourself with net connection, cable TV, an excellent collection of DVD's ranging from Monsoon wedding. Sixth sense, Top Gun to Bad Boys-II and even Cold Mountain and a fridge full of food ranging from aunty's specially-made-for-nephew home cooked food to pizzas and cold chicken/ salad creams and all sort of delicacies like cookies n chocolates and what not..!!:-))and to top it all up KFC and ask them to drop in a COMBO meal at your place..!!that was heaven on earth for me..!!
Dont ponder too much what i was doing there alone at my uncle's place..i had told my uncle (Dad's brother) that i would be droppin in at their place for the weekend and they forgot that they had a marriage to attend and end result being me landed there and they had to go for the marriage:-) n my only company for sometime on Saturday was my cousin brother Sarin. He was a proper host and there are a lot of memories that i have shared with him in childhood days...!!in the earlier days when i was small..he used to be real thin and i used to be HUGE..horizontally but then as time went by...he got more and more healthier (muscle building..etc) while i went on being healthier in another way!!:-)
and today this is how he looks
The above snap is shot after the recently held finals of The BT BOWL (Club level Rugby) after his team lost. He is the one in the front row squatting in the extreme left with a blonde streak on his hair..!!(HE looks like me...face atleast):-)
Anyway watching movies was getting boring for me and i decided to read HARRY POTTER for a change. Read from Volume 1 till PRISONER OF AZKABAN. Amazing book. This is one book i think that will enrapture both the children and adults alike. It has a mix of Enid Blyton (wizard land and magic - suiting taste of children), to some extent Agatha christie (the mysteries involved and revelation of Harry's history at odd moments when you least expect it) and John Grisham.And the best part is once u start reading Harry potter, u dont feel like keeping the book down till u have reached the end...i was awake till 2:30 am today morning trying to finish Prisoner of azkaban and never knew when i fell asleep..!!Anyway thats that!!
all in all a very relaxing and fantastic weekend. and I might have gained a couple of kilos too;-)
By the onwards i am going to tell my weight in stones. I weigh nearly 14 stones (14 stones = 90 for those intersted you can do the necessary conversion and decide how many stones you weigh;-)))
I went to Glasgow...had a great time in proper you could think of!!
Think about this..a whole 2 -storeyed house to yourself with net connection, cable TV, an excellent collection of DVD's ranging from Monsoon wedding. Sixth sense, Top Gun to Bad Boys-II and even Cold Mountain and a fridge full of food ranging from aunty's specially-made-for-nephew home cooked food to pizzas and cold chicken/ salad creams and all sort of delicacies like cookies n chocolates and what not..!!:-))and to top it all up KFC and ask them to drop in a COMBO meal at your place..!!that was heaven on earth for me..!!
Dont ponder too much what i was doing there alone at my uncle's place..i had told my uncle (Dad's brother) that i would be droppin in at their place for the weekend and they forgot that they had a marriage to attend and end result being me landed there and they had to go for the marriage:-) n my only company for sometime on Saturday was my cousin brother Sarin. He was a proper host and there are a lot of memories that i have shared with him in childhood days...!!in the earlier days when i was small..he used to be real thin and i used to be HUGE..horizontally but then as time went by...he got more and more healthier (muscle building..etc) while i went on being healthier in another way!!:-)
and today this is how he looks

The above snap is shot after the recently held finals of The BT BOWL (Club level Rugby) after his team lost. He is the one in the front row squatting in the extreme left with a blonde streak on his hair..!!(HE looks like me...face atleast):-)
Anyway watching movies was getting boring for me and i decided to read HARRY POTTER for a change. Read from Volume 1 till PRISONER OF AZKABAN. Amazing book. This is one book i think that will enrapture both the children and adults alike. It has a mix of Enid Blyton (wizard land and magic - suiting taste of children), to some extent Agatha christie (the mysteries involved and revelation of Harry's history at odd moments when you least expect it) and John Grisham.And the best part is once u start reading Harry potter, u dont feel like keeping the book down till u have reached the end...i was awake till 2:30 am today morning trying to finish Prisoner of azkaban and never knew when i fell asleep..!!Anyway thats that!!
all in all a very relaxing and fantastic weekend. and I might have gained a couple of kilos too;-)
By the onwards i am going to tell my weight in stones. I weigh nearly 14 stones (14 stones = 90 for those intersted you can do the necessary conversion and decide how many stones you weigh;-)))
An English university creative writing class was asked to write a concise essay containing the following elements:
1) Religion
2) Royalty
3) Sex
4) Mystery
The prizewinner wrote"My God," said the queen, "I'm pregnant. I wonder who did it?"
1) Religion
2) Royalty
3) Sex
4) Mystery
The prizewinner wrote"My God," said the queen, "I'm pregnant. I wonder who did it?"
Thursday, July 15, 2004
My Experiments in the Kitchen
Hmmm.....believe me when i say i never in my dreams thought that I would be cooking at any point of my life. I remember my mom used to keep asking me what if my betrothed was ignorant of cooking and i had a steady response always "I will make sure she knows cooking before i get married to anyone".
But we have all heard the common saying "Necessity is the mother of invention" and miracle of miracles....i was forced into cooking after joining my office Edinburgh. The main reasons being:
1. It is not everyday that you can eat half boiled vegeatbles and half cooked stuff at canteen
2. The amount spend in cafeteria is almost double what it would be if i cooked at home.
So takin all these factors into consideration, i plunged into the world of cookery. The inspiration to cook, i must admit, came from my flat mate in blore as well as here in edin burgh now - Randeep Basu. He is the main cook. I cut the vegetables and mix the masala in the correct propportion while he starts cooking. And then he leaves it to me while i check the taste and add salt/pepper/whatever available to make it more spicy n hot - this taste in food can be attributed to me being a mallu, i guess and it does help when the other person is a Bong with similar food habits and is a non-veg too:-)))))
We had intially started with veg dishes experimenting various recipes and then one day, a weekend, we decided to try our hand on chicken. It is a point worth mentioning that both of us were new to cooking (atleast i was and i guess so was he) and cutting and cookin chicken was a dream for us.
And we decided to make this dream a reality. And you should have been there to taste it - yummy yum:-). That day we realised that if not for anything atleast for survival sakes we could cook n eat tasty food:-)
Potato (aaloo) has become our staple food coz no matter what dish we prepare, that seems to be the main ingredient - aaloo baingan, aaloo gobi, aaloo dum, aaloo mutter, Gobi dum, rasam, sambar, dal , rice and once even aaloo parathas. Rice, samabar, dal and rasam are generally made by other falt mate here - Vinay V who is a pure vegetarian though after being in our company, he has slowly started eating eggs:-). He makes excellent Sambar/Rasam/Dal, provided he has the mood.:-) But after coming onsite, by far the best sambar has been prepared by Srijith - one of my colleagues and u can call him my ML (module leader) as well.Excellent.
The intial days of cooking were filled with enthu when we used to get up in the morning and cook lunch in all zest n vigor.
But off late the drive has gone. Have to get some new recipes, i guess in order to get the old enthu back again in cooking.
All in all i can say - My lucky wife;-)
But we have all heard the common saying "Necessity is the mother of invention" and miracle of miracles....i was forced into cooking after joining my office Edinburgh. The main reasons being:
1. It is not everyday that you can eat half boiled vegeatbles and half cooked stuff at canteen
2. The amount spend in cafeteria is almost double what it would be if i cooked at home.
So takin all these factors into consideration, i plunged into the world of cookery. The inspiration to cook, i must admit, came from my flat mate in blore as well as here in edin burgh now - Randeep Basu. He is the main cook. I cut the vegetables and mix the masala in the correct propportion while he starts cooking. And then he leaves it to me while i check the taste and add salt/pepper/whatever available to make it more spicy n hot - this taste in food can be attributed to me being a mallu, i guess and it does help when the other person is a Bong with similar food habits and is a non-veg too:-)))))
We had intially started with veg dishes experimenting various recipes and then one day, a weekend, we decided to try our hand on chicken. It is a point worth mentioning that both of us were new to cooking (atleast i was and i guess so was he) and cutting and cookin chicken was a dream for us.
And we decided to make this dream a reality. And you should have been there to taste it - yummy yum:-). That day we realised that if not for anything atleast for survival sakes we could cook n eat tasty food:-)
Potato (aaloo) has become our staple food coz no matter what dish we prepare, that seems to be the main ingredient - aaloo baingan, aaloo gobi, aaloo dum, aaloo mutter, Gobi dum, rasam, sambar, dal , rice and once even aaloo parathas. Rice, samabar, dal and rasam are generally made by other falt mate here - Vinay V who is a pure vegetarian though after being in our company, he has slowly started eating eggs:-). He makes excellent Sambar/Rasam/Dal, provided he has the mood.:-) But after coming onsite, by far the best sambar has been prepared by Srijith - one of my colleagues and u can call him my ML (module leader) as well.Excellent.
The intial days of cooking were filled with enthu when we used to get up in the morning and cook lunch in all zest n vigor.
But off late the drive has gone. Have to get some new recipes, i guess in order to get the old enthu back again in cooking.
All in all i can say - My lucky wife;-)
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